Puppets Anyone?
In our opinion, the best VBS resource is one that has multiple uses. Skits found in the Amazing Wonders Aviation Closing Worship Rally are just such a resource.
The skits (found on pages 35-39 of the Worship Rally Guide) are a great way to bring each day of VBS to a close, but they can also be used to begin the day. With just a few tweaks to change past tense into future tense the characters, Sal and Sam, briefly introduce the theme for the day and help kids connect with the contents of the day’s Bible study.
We told you we like resources that can be used in multiple ways, so the skits can be performed by humans, puppets, or a human and a puppet.
The use of puppets seems to be on the increase so we would like to ask you a couple of questions.
1. Does your church use puppets during VBS?
2. If so, how do you use them?
Rhonda and I look forward to hearing from you.
Our church will be having VBS in July. We are planning in incorporating puppets on day 3 with the Christian ABC’s and A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Super excited !
I use puppets every year with our preschoolers at music time. They will do a simple skit and sing along with the kids while they sing classic children’s praise songs (B-I-B-L-E, Deep and Wide, etc.) The kids love to see them and watch them do funny things! I am hoping that the skits you provide will be great because I usually write new ones every year!
We’ll be using puppets during Mission Control at Club VBS. Each day the puppets will be used to present a skit associated with the day’s Mission and Message.
We have not used puppets n VBS while using Lifeway material; however we would if there was a mascot puppet. We use puppets at least 3xs a month on Sunday morning during children’s church. The 2/3 yr old class and PreK class love the puppet telling their Bible Story.
We used puppets last year for the musical. Our youth helpers (and some 6th graders) used the script and voices from the music demo and performed between the songs the children sang. Works great since no one has enough time to learn all the parts during the week of VBS. It also ties the music together so that the audience understands the deeper meaning to the songs. I’m hoping to do it again this year!
I used the puppets last year during the worship rally singing along with the theme song. The kids loved it. This year I am going to incorporate puppets during snack time. We usually have extra time here because the kids eat quickly. May use the skit for each day during this time.
In the past, we have adapted the skits for the opening worship rally. It is a great way to help introduce the lesson for the day and the children always love it. This year, we are going to use the skits with puppets during opening rally. I think that the children we love it as well!!
Do we use puppets?? OH YES!!! Our puppets have handled the “Missions” portion of VBS. We have used “puppet=person” interaction in the Worship Rally. We always have a special song each night-we try to match the song to the lesson. We do have some “tried and true” favorites that we use. For Family Night, we do a song from the week that the kids really liked. This year, we are planning “A-M-A-Z-I-N-G” in a black light show. Being VBS director and on our puppet team keeps me busy, but wouldn’t trade it for anything! Last year, my family went with a group on a mission trip to Alaska. A couple of our puppets travelled with us & preformed for the kids there.
At our church, the adults enjoy the puppets just about as much as the kids do! I can’t imagine our VBS without our puppets!