Foto Friday…Idea Bank
Howdy! It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, sorry about that! I took the family to Walt Disney World for our daughter’s 5th birthday! It was a LOT of fun! Seeing the excitement in her eyes was incredible!
Now back to the blog subject. I wanted to remind you about our Idea Bank on the VBS website.
This is a section of our website where you get to share your ideas! And let me tell you. . .I’ve seen some GREAT ideas!
Here are a few ideas that caught my eye!
Peggy H had an idea for a relaxation room!
Several years ago God blessed our church with a family that has brought some really great ideas. One of them was a relaxation room for VBS workers. We have a couple of lady’s or a couple that are in charge of this. The general idea is it a room that all of the workers are able to visit at a scheduled time or on a rotation depending on their job. There are snacks and beverages for everyone. It is a time to share some amazing stories that have happened in your group, munch out, say hi to friends, make new friends, or just relax and take a break.
Backyard Kids created a cool recruitment tower!
Found a old display booth from a car engine display, after looking at i thought it would be a great air control tower for VBS. once I got into the church I realized I couldnt store it until VBS but didn’t want to get rid of it. SO i decided to use it an advertisement for VBS recruitment.
Keep those ideas coming! And don’t forget to check out the Youth VBS blog and leave a comment (one commenter will receive a special prize)!
Also, don’t forget the Clip Art Central blog post!
I am considerering using Wonder aviation. I like the theme but I am having trouble finding the information I need. I went to the chat and was helped to find the Bible lesson overview. but there was no sample lesson. I was hoping for a real life wideo for each destination but was told it was just in the opening song. I did not find a place to listen to all the songs. I am cumputer chalanged but would like to push a button on the home page that would take me to each of the emportant areas to consider. I push on every thing I can think of and nothing happens. Sandy
I too have a hard time finding what I need, and I am just a bit above computor challenged.
Please put a link on both the main page,
and the top of all AWA blogs for a list of ALL blogs directly relating to AWA.
I’m sure the churches doing the space theme would appreciate you doing the same for them.