Welcome Katie!
Today I want to introduce you to Katie DeCillo! Katie is going to be joining the Lifeway VBS blog team. Katie is part of our Lifeway Kids marketing team, and she specifically works with all of our social media! That means you won’t just see Katie’s fingerprint here on the Lifeway VBS blog, you’ll see her over at the Kids Ministry 101 blog, the Lifeway Kids Facebook Page, the Lifeway VBS Twitter & Facebook and a host of other places.
Plus you might want to keep track of Katie … you never know when she might give something away. (Hint, hint.) She’s here to listen and wants to hear what YOU need in your ministry.
Here are some other random facts about Katie:
- She’s a graduate of Murray State University (GO RACERS!) who loves video and photography and used to co-host a weekly program called Roundabout U.
- She Tweets about food
- Is a member of Mosaic Nashville
- Has planned an imaginary two-week road trip around the country
- Can draw a mad Ewok in DrawSomething (see below)
- Worked two summers with FUGE camps before joining Lifeway full-time.
- Has a funny story about her “kidmin initiation” at First Baptist Church, Murray, KY (she’ll have to tell that later).
- Led VBS for the Wai Wai children of the village of Inaja along the Amazon river in Brazil! You can see her video here.
- Her kidmin hero is Amber Sugg of FBC because “Amber is amazing at what she does; she taught [me] first and foremost how to share Jesus with kids, and that you’re supposed to have fun at church! (Plus, she loves Lifeway VBS!)”
Leave Katie a comment below welcoming her to the team! We are so excited she’s joining us!
That is one scary-good Ewok. You’ll fit right in with that fun VBS bunch.
Welcome aboard and we can’t wait to see and hear your input. Be careful that VBS group is dangerous and your imaginary trip needs to go global!!