Difficulty With VBS Decorations? Problem Solved!
Decorating for Vacation Bible School can be the most challenging part of teaching VBS. Many years I watched my mom direct a class for VBS at our church. She would agonize over the decorations. She told me on many occasions, that teaching the Bible and explaining God’s plan of salvation to children was her favorite part and consequently the easiest part for her. She was always searching for helpers that liked the decorating because that was the most challenging.
The last VBS she taught (Game Day Central) I was not asked but rather instructed to bring whatever decorations I had and meet at her classroom where she and her teachers would help me set up her room. She said it sweetly but also directly. Of course, I was there at the appointed time and the decorations were hung and smiles light up their faces. That year I remember three children were saved in her class. Later she graduated to serving snacks and now has graduated to Heaven where I am sure she heard Jesus say, “Good and Faithful Servant.”
Maybe you have a mentor like I did. Mom tackled difficult jobs, recruited help and shared the gospel. Yes, she was frustrated at times but never a quitter. She never whined or complained but rather found the help needed and cheered others on to accomplish great things. Today, I want to cheer you on to accomplish great things too. Decorations might be a mountain that doesn’t seem possible to overcome but there are adults and teens in your church that would never consider this a challenge. Maybe they can’t be present at VBS due to work schedules but they can help you create props and decorations if you asked. Don’t be shy. The Lord fits the Body together perfectly and gives us gifts that will assist in the mission. Look around and see who can help make your classroom a success with decorations so you can welcome kids to hear the gospel.
I have created a simple instruction guide for creating the VBS decorations. Please visit my website www.mrmarksclassroom.com for printed instructions, photos and short instructional video clips. Maybe this will give your leaders ideas that are easy and affordable. Remember the task is not only making these decorations but also storing them. Seems like we can often use props and backdrops from previous years if we can store them. Think ahead where the items will be stored so you make it fit the space. Painting on bed sheets and using items like collapsible hampers, foam core board, and PVC pipe will allow you more options for storage. You can forward these ideas to your friends and enlisted helpers making decorations. You can also subscribe to this free site to get regular helps for teaching boys and girls.
Thanks to Mark Jones, Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, for today’s post and for being a VBS Decorator Extraordinaire!
Thanks for the tips. They look great!