What We LOVE About VBS
Love is in the air (I think there is a song lyric there somewhere), so it seems like an appropriate time for us at Lifeway to share why we love the ministry of Vacation Bible School.
1. VBS presents one of the most strategic outreach tools for the church and includes age-appropriate evangelistic emphasis.
2. VBS creates a flagship church event, uniquely inviting and exciting for everyone involved. The event belongs to the local church and is flexible to meet individual church needs.
3. VBS provides sounds, relevant Bible study that enables people to experience and respond to the gospel message in ways that are appropriate for them. Everything that happens during the day grows out of the biblical content and emphasis for that day. Preschoolers, children, youth, and adults are led to study the same biblical content as often as possible.
4. VBS centers around a theme that permeates content, methodology, and the learning environment, creating an experience totally distinctive from Sunday School.
5. VBS requires easy-to-prepare and easy-to-use materials that help teachers lead effective, meaningful learning experiences and establish meaningful relationships with learners.
6. VBS includes schedules that help older preschoolers and children rotate through varied learning experiences with a variety of Christian leaders.
7. VBS emphasizes the primary elements of VBS including Bible study, worship, crafts, music, missions, snacks, and recreation.
8. VBS makes it possible to enlist teachers to lead specific functions based upon their abilities, interests, and spiritual gifts.
9. VBS develops an entry point into church and Christianity for many unchurched people. VBS gives the church opportunities to establish ongoing relationships with all who attend VBS.
10. VBS stimulates spiritual growth for churched people through challenging experiences.
If you think these 10 reasons we love VBS sound a little like Lifeway’s “Purpose and Principles of VBS” statement you are correct. To those of us who have the privilege of working to provide your VBS resources this is more then a statement of what we hope to accomplish. This is a statement that expresses our heart.
We love VBS and we love the privilege of working for you. Thanks for being our Valentine!
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