A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Customer Service
Last Friday Courtney and I had the great privilege of spending time with our WONDERFUL folks in customer service. They have to know SO much about SO many things we produce here at Lifeway. Courtney and I went to help them know what was new for VBS 2012.
We had a grand greeting from Steve Wheeler!
We served snacks! I have a servant’s heart, but not a servant’s coordination.
Courtney demonstrated some of our fun stuff.
I told how kids will get to experience our Awesome God and His Amazing Power!
Some of the customer service folks really came ready for VBS! Way to go David!
Courtney and I had SO much fun. What great folks! You’ll get to talk with them when you call in your VBS or Club VBS orders! Tell them Rhonda and Courtney said, “Hi!”
Lifeway.com — Phone Orders Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT Monday – Friday |
(800) 458-2772 |

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