VBS Previews: Ridgecrest Recap
This past weekend was the VBS Preview in Ridgecrest, NC. It was a great event and it was so nice to get to meet some of you face to face! The Previews are a great place to check out the decorations, go to conferences to learn about all aspects of VBS, and to hear the great VBS music! This year I was part of the faculty and taught conferences on the Missions Rotation and Family Night. If you missed this preview, there is still time to register for the events in Texas, Florida, or Nashville. Also if you got your picture made in the Expo, you can find them on the VBS Facebook page.
Loved walking in the lobby and seeing the VBS 2012 Inflatable Globes!
Here’s a peak of the Expo where you can talk to the editors and designers on the VBS team.
Jeremy and Ashley spent their time videoing everything that was going on during the conference.
Tiffany at the sales table selling lanyards and buttons!
Melita, Jeff Slaughter, Candace, and Christi after the VBS musical.
We ran into one of our VBS Geeks of the Week! Charles was proudly wearing his Geek of the Week T-shirt!
Conferees had the chance to have their picture made in our AWA airplane!
At the end of the weekend it was time pack up! Melita is trying to send Angel to Texas with the VBS decorations!
I had a great time this weekend are Ridgecrest. My good friend Kim Pullium and I are first time VBS directors at Triple Springs Baptist Church. We are in Roxboro, NC. We thank you so much for all the encouragment and insruction we were given. God bless u and keep u.