VBS 2012 is ready for TAKEOFF!
Happy New Year!
As you read this post the first Amazing Wonders Aviation flight of 2012 is winging its way to Ridgecrest, North Carolina for the first of five national Preview events. Over 1,000 of the most enthusiastic VBS geeks in the nation are packing their bags for two exciting days and one sleepless night where they will discover that “Awesome God! Amazing Power!” is more than a motto. As Psalm 147:5 proclaims, “Our Lord is great, vast in power; His understanding is infinite.” What a great verse to start 2012!
While it might be too late for you to join us at Ridgecrest, there is still time and space for you to join the fun at one of the following sites:
Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, January 13-14
Lifeway Christian Resources in Nashville, Tennessee, January 26-27
First Baptist Church, Kissimmee, Florida, February 17-18
To learn more go to lifeway.com/vbspreview or call 1.800.254.2022.
A new conference being offered at Preview this year is “VBS Community Online Live.” We’re taking one of the wealthiest sources of creativity – Lifeway’s VBS Community Idea Banks – and turning it into a live idea generating machine! Ideas generated during the Ridgecrest Preview will be posted right here next Tuesday. So get ready to be inspired!
By the way, if you have not joined the Community do so today at www.lifeway.com/vbs2012/yourvbs. Click on the “Community” tab at the top of the page.
Excited about Ridgecrest.