'Tis the Season
Good morning from Nashville! It’s a cold morning here; currently 35 degrees! You can tell the holiday season has begun. Once Thanksgiving arrives, our VBS Team begins planning our annual Christmas lunch and discussing a charitable action to do this season. January will be here before we know it! ‘Tis the season!
‘Tis also the season to ask you to pray for our VBS Team. As we begin production on VBS 2013, I’d like to share these specific prayer requests with you.
1) We finished up Writers Conference for VBS 2013 the week before Thanksgiving. Please be praying for the great group of people who are writing materials for your VBS kids. They want to provide the very best curriculum for your church.
2) On Monday of next week, December 5, we’ll be meeting with our good friends from the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board to hear their ideas for missions stories for VBS 2013. They’ll share with us things that are happening here in the U.S. and around the world that might be good stories to support our Bible content and life application statements. Please pray that we’ll make wise choices.
3) We are in the beginning stages of brainstorming video ideas for 2013. It reminds me of pouring molasses—it starts out really slow, then picks up speed. At the moment, the molasses has not fallen out of the jar! Please pray that we will have the discernment to see God’s direction for this product and will have the wisdom to know how to make it happen.
With a team of 10 people, and more than 120 products between us, I have no doubt that each of us could provide a long list of prayer requests. All of us are dreaming, planning, sketching, and working now to make VBS 2013 fantastic. ‘Tis the season!
Thank you for partnering with us. We look forward to seeing many of you at the VBS training events in January and February!
Thanks, Lynne, for sharing these prayer requests. It’s great to know how to pray more specifically for you and the rest of the VBS team!