Enjoy the Chaos for a Change
Looking for a great way to promote Amazing Wonders Aviation or Club VBS: SpaceQuest? How about a high-energy addition to your Christmas party? OMC just might be the answer.
OMC – short for Organized Mass Chaos – is a great game from our friends at CentriKid. Typically played during a week of CentriKid Camp, the home version is truly a unique experience for children and adults alike. Available through your nearest Lifeway Christian Store or from Lifeway.com, OMC can be used for groups of 10 or 200!
But why am I telling you about it today? Because there is a free download for both the Amazing Wonders Aviation and Club VBS: SpaceQuest editions by going to centrikidblog.com/omc. You will also find free downloads for other editions including fall festival, Christmas, Easter, and much more.
Check it out! And enjoy the chaos for a change.
“Organized” is for the Leaders and “Mass Chaos” is for the kids…super fun! I wish I had found this great rec experience much, much sooner. Loving the VBS tie-in cards. Would be super fun as an activity for a VBS registration event or for Family Night 🙂