Foto Friday. . .Break Time #1
Wow! What a week! We are busy bees here working to get all of the VBS 2012 Amazing Wonders Aviation out the door and to the printers and then preparing to start on VBS 2013. I’m pretty sure everybody else has had a busy week too!
I know what you all are saying. . .we need a break! Well, I have exactly what you have asked for! I found two little videos on youtube that should give you a laugh. I may need to let me 4 year old try this!
With all that said, it’s break time!
The first 30 seconds of this next video are the best! Kind of reminds of the Irish dance we have all seen! lol!
So is the patch a hint for VBS 2013?
At first I was wondering. . “what patch?” until I opened up the blog and saw my profile picture! lol!
No, no. . .that’s a profile picture I like to use occasionally. 😉
I have a Superman one that I like to use too! w00t!