Behind the Music in español
!Hola mis amigos! Hello my friends! Great news guys! We’re finally finishing up production of Amazing Wonders Aviation! WOO HOO! It’s crazy/busy around here but even more so for those responsible for translating VBS into Spanish! One of many things that has to be produced is the Spanish music video. Filming was last week so yours truly slapped on my photog hat and snapped a few behind the scene shots for you. Enjoy!!
Our friend and fellow VBS teammate Lynne Norris produced the EBV (akaVBS) Spanish choreography/music video along with Tim Cox, director/Camera operator and Steve Fralick, audio/lighting. Lynne was also joined by Alyssa Goins from Lifeway’s Music Department (VBS music wouldn’t get done without her!) and Angel Ortiz who is in charge of translating ALL of our Spanish products!

It was fun to watch as they worked up new motions. Yes! New motions! Why you ask? Well, it seems some words—even words used in our title—do no translate in Spanish. So new words equals new motions.

Constanza spent a lot of time and research finding just the right motions for the translation. Kudos to Konstanza!
Hasta luego mis amigos! …see you later my friends!
Simply wanna remark on few general things, The website design is perfect, the articles is really excellent : D.