Foto Friday. . .National Aviation Day!
Hi everyone. . .I’m back! ! ! Can I say it’s been hectic here lately? I’ve been snowed under! Oops, wrong theme! (Arctic Edge) lol!
Seriously, I’m sorry for missing the last 2 weeks but I do want to thank Carol for helping me out the last 2 weeks.
By the way, do you know what today is? Yes, Foto Friday but not the answer I’m looking for. 😉 Today is National Aviation Day! woohoo!
Over 70 years ago, President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed that August 19th was to be National Aviation Day. August 19th is also the birthday of Orville Wright.
Personally, I LOVE aviation! I grew up around it. My father was in the Navy for about 21.5 years and he worked on and around the birds. Here’s are a few of my favorite places to visit while I’m on vacation!
National Naval Aviation Museum
Air Force Armament Museum
Now, I have never personally been to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum but I’d LOVE to go!
This wouldn’t be a Foto Friday without a photo or 2. 😉
Thanks for coming to Pensacola area and the National Naval Aviation Museum! It’s a great place! Go Blue Angels!