My Week of Intransit
At the end of June I had the huge privileged of hanging out with a group of 6th graders in youth VBS. It was actually my first time to teach youth VBS, and honestly I had NO IDEA what I was getting into.
The group of girls I got to hang out with was quite simply amazing. Their desire to study and know God’s Word was so inspiring. Do you ever have those moments when you are teaching, and you look around just wishing there were other adults around to hear what you were witnessing? I had several of those! They were all moments that reminded me … THIS is why we do this. Because let’s be honest, we don’t have those moments every Sunday! Sometimes teaching is frustrating, but just when I needed it God used this group at youth VBS to encourage me.
And we had some serious fun. One night we made wallets out of Duck Tape®. One night we made spray paint t-shirts, and one night we even made bracelets out of soda pop tops (can you tell I really like crafts).
What I really was not prepared for was messy games on the last night. You would think after being married to a youth pastor for five years I would be more prepared. I was not.
Here’s the before picture (Courtesy of Wootton Photography):
After picture? There isn’t one. It’s that bad. Messy games consisted of crawling in maple syrup and flour, being slimed, wading in Kool-Aid. I promise I had to take two showers!
I’m already counting down the days until next year!
Just curious. Was it Maple Syrup & Flowers or Maple Syrup & Flour?
Wow! We just had simple games except one day was water day! The water was cold!