Name that Tune
I thought we should start this week off with a little fun! Last week Jerry gave you a preview of the VBS songs for VBS 2012. So, I thought that today we would stroll down memory lane and see if you can Name that Tune! Below are snippets of five different VBS songs. See if you can guess the title, the name of the VBS, and the year of the VBS. I will post the answers in the comments on Wednesday. Have fun and no cheating!
Love this game! My son and i were just singing “Arctic Edge” last night when someone mentioned a caribou!
Song 1–Ramblin’ Road Trip “Raise Some Praise” 2004
Song 2–Outrigger Island “The Word” 2008
Song 3–Amazon Outfitters “Jehovah Jirah” 2002
Song 4–Artic Edge “I know that I know”–2005
Song 5–Truth Tracker “ABC the B.I.B.L.E.” 2001
My best guesses. LOL.
Song 1: Ramblin’ Road Trip “Raise Some Praise” was 2005
Song 2: Outrigger Island, “the Word” 2008
Song 3: Amazon Outfitters “Jehovah Jireh” 2002
Song 4: Arctic Edge “I Know That I Know” 2006
Song 5: Truth Trackers, “To ABC You Must BAC” 2001
Song 1 – Raise Some Praise from Ramblin’ Road Trip 2005
Song 2 – The Word from Outrigger Island – 2008
Song 3 – Jehovah Jirah from Amazon Outfitters 2002
Song 4 – I Know that I know from Artic Edge – 2006
Song 5 – ABC the B.I.B.L.E – from Truth Tracker 2001
The years listed are the years that we did them. I’m definite about # 1,2, and 4. Wasn’t sure about #3 & 5.
Oh the memories… Jehovah Jirah is one of my all time favorites. I still sing it!
Song 1: Ramblin’ Road Trip “Raise Some Praise” 2005
Song 2: Outrigger Island “The Word” 2008
Song 3: Amazon Outfitters “Jehovah Jireh” 2002
Song 4: Arctic Edge “I Know That I Know” 2006
Song 5: Truth Trackers “To ABC You Must BAC” 2001
Like all of them! Great songs!!!
I am trying to find a song that we sang at VBS sometime in 2007- 2010. One line of the lyric says, “I love the word of God“.
It was from Outrigger Island (2008). Here’s a link: