What’s Going On @ VBS HQ?
We on the VBS team are often asked: “What are you working on now?” It’s a great question because we sometimes don’t even know what year we’re in… VBS 2011 is going strong all over the country, but we’re pushing VBS 2012 out the door and already starting to plan for VBS 2013. Whew!
This week we’re working hard to get ready for our promotional video and catalog shoot that will take place here at Lifeway next week. All of the pictures you’ll see in next year’s catalog will be shot in basically 3 days. And there’s still a lot to do to get ready!
Today, I’m putting finishing touches on some of the sets I’ve been working on for the shoot. Tomorrow we’ll start setting up. Be sure to check out the blog next week because we’ll be bringing you lots of behind-the-scenes looks at all the action!
I’ll try to not give anything away yet, but here are some pictures from the last few weeks of work to whet your appetite. Can you tell what anything is? Recognize anything from past years of VBS? Got guesses? Post them here.
Great job!!! I know ya’ll will make some amazing stuff for us!