It Ain't Over Til It's Over
Wait! Don’t pack away that inflatable Statue of Liberty or all those little yellow inflatable taxi cabs decorating your church. Just because the teaching, singing, craft making fun of VBS is complete, doesn’t mean we’re done. There’s still lots left to do to connect all those prospects discovered during the week to an on going relationship with your church and our Savior and Lord. Remember that small little tag line that comes after Big Apple Adventure—Where Faith and Life Connect? Well, now is the time to help “connect” the biblical truths taught during VBS with real life! Following up with those who visited during VBS is a vital part of successfully completing your VBS experience.
Check out Chapter 4 in the VBS 2011 Administrative Guide to find Follow-up Strategies and helps. Or check out some of these tips from previous posts here, here, and here.
What are some of your favorite Follow-up Strategies? We would love to hear them!
We are trying a new follow up strategy this year. We are having a families follow up with families. Each family that has committed to participate will be given a family that attended VBS. Even our church families. They will pray, call, write a letter, and meet with them. They also have a reason to meet because we give each family a cd of the music. I’m praying this will bring connection between new families and build unity and relationships between those already apart of our body.
That sounds awesome. I am praying blessings on your efforts!