Some Plant, Others Water
One of the most rewarding aspects of my Lifeway assignment is being the recipient of hundreds of reports and testimonies of God’s awesome work through Vacation Bible School. Each one is an affirmation not only of the work we do here to produce VBS resources, but more importantly an affirmation of why churches make VBS a priority. Here is one such report from the Pastor of FBC Yorktown:
“What a week!
We are so blessed to have so many folks dedicated to the Lord. Some Prayed some Played some Preached some Portioned some Painted and some did it all!! Thanks be to God for the many lives that were changed for eternity through VBS. At this writing, we have had 26 professions of faith, here at Yorktown, and it’s just Wednesday!! Never doubt if placing smiley faces on pudding cups, cutting paper till your hands are numb, or tediously painting New York City on a sheet of foam board really makes an eternal difference!!
It has been observed that for every person that commits themselves to a VBS training program – 1.1 people come to Christ. I remember vividly the faces that were instrumental in my coming to Christ. Many of them have gone to be with the Lord not knowing the amazing impact they had on others. It’s now time for the real work to begin, we need Christ-like love to reach out to the families that have had their first contact with the God of the universe through our little church! Will you join us in Praying, Playing, Preaching, Portioning and most of all Loving these that the Lord has touched? I just wanted you to know how all your efforts will be impacting the Kingdom of God all summer and beyond through the beautiful backdrops and decorations you prayed over and labored over for months. We heard gasp from many of the children as they walked into the different rooms of the church at the world of wonderment that your hands created. You helped set the stage for these kids to imagine a different life not just in a Big Apple but in the loving arms of a Heavenly Father.”
Bro Mark
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