Get People Involved in VBS
VBS is a ministry for everyone in the church. While some people may not be able to help during the actual week of VBS, they can be great sources of help in the preparation stage! Many people that may not be able to take off and work during VBS are still willing to help in smaller ways. Plan a day a few weeks before VBS to have volunteers come and help cut and prepare the supplies to make the crafts. Having things precut and prepared helps the teacher during VBS week not be so overwhelmed when it’s time to help the kids.
Setting up and tearing down are other great times for extra help. Decorating the church and the rooms are great times to get people involved. By the end of VBS week the teachers are worn out, so having some extra hands come in and help them take down the decorations and return the rooms to their original order is always appreciated.
Another important area of preparation is prayer. VBS is an important ministry in the church, and to make it most successful it should be covered in prayer. Create a prayer team and have them do a prayer walk in the rooms that will be used during VBS. Send out prayer cards found on the Administrative Guide CD-ROM so that people will know what to pray for everyday of the VBS week.
Church members may not have a full week to devote to VBS, but many of them want to help and can be available for short-term projects. Take advantage of this and get as much done as you can before the week begins.
One of my family members used to direct our VBS and she always said the VBS equaled total church involvement. We used to have over one hundred workers. Now we have about 50 and the number of kids has lessened. I tried to get our director to allow folks to spread their wings and skills to help with VBS. Some of our elderly could call families or send cards, etc. But our current director wants to do everything herself and I think it showed in the numbers. But…. we still had a great time last week for VBS!
As the main decorator of my church, I was apprehensive of New York City theme from the beginning Out west children had no idea where NYC is, what is looks like, anything about it, or why is is significant. We simply don’t think or talk about it.
New York City is about shopping….ads………night clubs……….graffati…..and the sort. All things people do not want in their church buildings. I have had more complaints about decorations this year than all the other years put together.
Also, I did not appreciate the ‘animated’ statue of liberty (with a smiley face). The statue of LIberty should be more respected.
I hope you take more care in the future when choosing themes.
Jeanette Bennett
NYC is about people – people of every race color and creed that all desparatly need the love of Christ. Such an amazing example of opportunity – one we all have right outside our door but are too scared to step out and see others as God does. I really think it’s sad that decorating is such an issue when this years theme is lifechanging to all involved –
Connecting Your Faith with your Life!! I know it changed mine! Thanks lifeway for going with what the Lord told you to do – even though it has met so much critique, complaint and resistance!