Foto Friday. . .Inflatables and more!
Hi everybody! ! ! What an exciting week this has been for me. . .I’ve been helping in my VBS, Big Apple Adventure (4th grade) and the new theme was released! I hope you all are excited about VBS 2012’s Amazing Wonders Aviation! Last week, I posted several “close-up” photos of a few of our VBS 2012 products plus a photo of me “working”! lol!
Those photos have garnered a few comments! 😛 (Susan, is REALLY wanting to see the inflatables!)
So Susan, since you asked, here are the photos!
I love this photo. . . so many airplanes! ! !
I thought you all would like to see what all I had in my office in this “clue” photo from last Saturday! lol!
If there is one thing you all have learned about me is that I like to have fun! Here are a few fun photos of the large inflatables!
Now that you guys know the VBS 2012 themes, help us shape what VBS is for the future!! We want to hear from you! Help us make VBS exactly what you need, and you could win a VBS 2012 Super Sampler!
I’m so excited to be back on Foto Friday! ! ! (but to be honest, I kinda liked slipping a Saturday post in) 🙂
GREAT Inflatables! I love it!!
Thank you so much Keith… and sorry to be such a pain. (It still looks like a pig to me…) Anyhow, so what is the keychain…???? :O) LOL You guys always look like you are working SO hard.
I love the globe. Will we be able to order an inflatable globe for next years V.B.S. and will it be that big or will they be smaller?
Love the large inflatable globe! Our kids would LOVE it 🙂
The large inflatable globe is terrific! Those will be fantastic to use!!
Great theme! Love the inflatables! I can’t wait to get started on the planning!
I am wondering if you could put the globe on one of those revolving Christmas tree stands and have it go around… I can see this with a sky blue background and planes dangling around it with fishing line.
Thanks for all the kind words! It’s great to hear them! Susan, I’m still working on the keychain. 😉
Barb, I’m not sure when the large inflatable will be available. . .I can’t remember if it’s an early release item or not, but I’ll double check on Monday for you! And yes, it will be that large (44″ in diameter).
The globe will have a hanging tab at the top, so you should be able to hang it. 🙂
Ok… well I still want it to revolve. If it hangs, wonder if one of those revolving Christmas ornament hanger thingies would have enough power to turn it… might depend on weight… hmmmm…. I see online that they are called “ornamotors”. They plug into a regular mini light strand… I could put up a bunch of white twinkle lights and then dangle the globe, revolving, in the middle of it. (With the planes too, of course.) Sounds like something at EPCOT center, doesn’t it?
Here is one… but I think that the picture shows it turning the wrong direction… wonder if that picture is accurate? :O)
“Jet lag” came to mind when I saw the Saturday photo. Before the photo I was leaning toward wonders of the American West; after the photo my theory fell apart.
I like the globe idea with planes dangling from fishing lines from an earlier poster. We had a variety of “Times Square” balls at our VBS last week. Hanging planes and globe from the ceiling would be great for the younger children.
Revolving would be great on stage!!! I can also see them being tossed around in a large room too. Kids are going to have so much fun jet setting around the world and seeing how wonderfully amazing our God is 🙂
I’m late finding this—absolutely LOVE the new theme! Susan, I’ve seen rotating things for wind decorations—they twirl & look like they’re moving & are battery operated—they may hold more weight than the Christmas tree lights.
I missed the survey for next year’s theme, but I think a Time Machine would be cool—each day go to a different era—& it would be cool to go Patriotic/USA with it, too.
I GOT OUR PICTURE AREA WORKING OUT AND LOVE IT!! My hope is to have someone draw two large hands symbolizing God’s hand and we are going to put the globe in the hands along with the child Symbolizing “He has the whole world in His hand” and a vinyl cross on Jerusalem.