Amazing VBS 2012 Reveal – Part 4
You know the theme, but you need to know more — much more!
VBS Verse: Psalm 147:5
Our Lord is great, vast in power; His understanding is infinite. (HCSB)
VBS Motto:
Awesome God! Amazing Power!
Day 1: Amazing! God’s Power Over Nature
Bible Story: The River Stood Still (Joshua 3-4)
Bible Verse: Jeremiah 32:17
Life Application: I can recognize that God has power over all things.
Day 2: Amazing! God’s Power Over Circumstances
Bible Story: The Lions’ Mouths Were Shut (Daniel 6:1-23)
Bible Verse: Daniel 2:20
Life Application: I can trust that God is in control, no matter what happens.
Day 3: Amazing! God’s Power Over Sin
Bible Story: God Sent Jesus (Luke 2:21-38; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
Bible Verse: Romans 6:23
Life Application: I can believe that God sent Jesus, and I can accept God’s gift of forgiveness.
Day 4: Amazing! God’s Power Over Death
Bible Story: Jesus Is Alive (John 19:31-20:20)
Bible Verse: Romans 5:8
Life Application: I can celebrate that Jesus is alive!
Day 5: Amazing! God’s Power Over My Life
Bible Story: The Apostles Took Action (Acts 5:12-42)
Bible Verse: 2 Peter 1:3
Life Application: I can rely on God’s power to do what He wants me to do.
Amazing VBS 2012 Reveal – Part 5 will be posted at 2:30 p.m. (CST).
I knew it was something about traveling!! The Bible content is good, but I was thinking Paul’s missionary journeys. The way you were headed with the theme was way different than what I was thinking.
I can’t wait until 2012 VBS!