Warmer. Warmer. No Stop! You're Freezing!
Just when you thought you had Lifeway’s VBS 2012 theme all figured out. How quickly the clues can go from hot to cold!
Check this out —
[vimeo https://vimeo.com/24230828]
Yum, yum. What would VBS be without well-balanced snacks – spaghetti, mashed potatoes, and chocolate? Three of my favorites!
This clue reminds me a little of Christmas. I wonder what today’s other clues will bring to mind? There are two more to be found. Happy hunting!
I don’t know about you, but I am still trying to figure out the clue from the May 31 post. I’m sure glad I already know the theme, and just think, in a few short days you will know too!
you lost me there~LOL!
This is crazy. These clues are super hard.
Here is a hint concerning Tuesday’s clue. Does the pattern of the bouncing balls spell anything?
My Science/Physics theme seems to have gone out the window. The only thing I can think of now is animation/motion theme. Maybe a motion picture movie theme. That would be cool.
okay, now I’m totally lost?? 😀
At least we gave you a compass to find your way. Don’t let the clues get you down. Keep your chin up!
Ok, I watched the super ball clip twice more just now and couldn’t see anything being spelled. Also – I only saw the volcano clip yesterday, I couldn’t find the other 2. Can anyone give me a hint where on the WWW the other 2 are from yesterday?
One clue from yesterday can be found on a LifeWay Kid’s Blog. I still never found the other one.
I am thinking something along the lines of a Creation Theme from Genesis
God made the world
God Made People
God Made Food….
I am sticking with the “Lost Tribes”
A Mountain? Island? Volcano?
I think we are all looking over the small details of these clues and focusing on the wrong thing. Once the theme is revealed we will learn that spaghetti, volcanoes, balls and the waitress has nothing to do with it. lol.
Agh! You are killing me with these clues! And the clues about the clues are crazy, too! So much fun!!
All clues -as impossible as they may seem – have something to do with it – even spaghetti!
Reading your responses is so much fun but alas I’m traveling today and have been told to turn off my computer. I’ll check in as soon as possible.
Maybe it is Space. I looked up food you can eat in space and found mashed potatoes and spaghetti listed. There was a lot of white space behind the bouncing balls . . .
It’s a “Lost” theme!!!! The clue number refers to Romans 10:13 “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”.
Humm… Now I’m stumped. I’m still thinking maybe a wacky science theme but what does food have to do with that? Ten again with I’m thinking family vacation/holiday theme too. But then we did the road trip theme a few years back with Rambling Road Trip. YIKES!
I’m wondering if these are actual clues or if Lifeway is just doing this to keep us in suspense.
Christmas! The Birth of Jesus! “Keep your chin up” and “Scan the Horizon” phrases remind me of looking for a star. Kaleidoscope, which looks like something that the Wise Men would have used when following the star. “This clue reminds me a little of Christmas.” might be a hint plus food kids love. “Family Photo”. These are just guesses but a Christmas theme would be great!
Creation still
I am liking the Christmas Theme idea too . . . You know, CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!!! That would be AWESOME!!!!
drink more hot cocoa… :O)
Christmas in July? you’re killin’ me Jerry.
still kinda thinking outer space though… can you drink hot cocoa in space?
don’t think space cuz it has already been done – if I remember correctly 1998
THIS IS CRAZY! I have no idea!
I love this time of year! It is better than the anticipation of Christmas morning.
What is with the crazy clue numbers? Are they Bible references?
I don’t have the slightest clue what the theme is, but I am excited to find out and then look at all of the clues again for a view into the mixed up mind of the VBS people. =)
Okay, since Jerry is flying I thought I’d take over here! I just posted a hint for a clue on the VBS Facebook page. And if that doesn’t help… maybe you would like to go check out the videos on the VBS page.
In between flights and have just a moment, but wanted you to know you are all doing an amazing job of research. Who knew they eat spaghetti in space! Awesome!!! I’m headed to Space City so maybe I’ll get a chance to check it out at Johnson Space Center. Enjoy the ride!
Italy!! There’s a volcano there, spaghetti Italian food? maybe??? fun!
Ok – finally found 6 clues – 312,27,57,16,1013,5. Is that all that there is?
I found 7 clues(5, 312, 57, 1013, 16, 27, 13)…but I am still missing one from yesterday! Any clues on those? 🙂
I agree with Jan! It’s Italy!
wow.. you all are great. I haven’t found any except for the videos
Taking a break from working on the VBS 2012 stuff to read the blog. I’m LOVING the guesses and ponderings! But my new favorite quote of the day is “a view into the mixed up mind of the VBS people”! OH, Naomi! You are so right! And what a blast it is!
Keep those wonderful guesses coming!
Seattle theme maybe? Seattle’s Best Coffee, Super Ball (Super Sonics Basketball Team), there is a volcano in Seattle and it’s in the north. Ok maybe I am just pulling at strings here.
At first I thought the Christmas idea was very far-fetched, but, ya know, it does kinda line up with the clues. If you look at it from a wierd way. Hmmm. Got me wondering! Excited tho!!!!
Have you checked the women’s all access blog for a vbs hint…hint, hint, hint. I’m still missing #13 though. Still have no clue as to theme! Can’t wait for the 6th.
I think its got to be ET or Bedtime stories theme
I haven’t seen all of the clues, but could we be doing a European tour?
Paris:City of Lights-Kaleidoscope
Ireland: potatoes
Switzerland: chocolate
Don’t know what the super balls could be yet?
I haven’t seen all of the clues, but could we be doing a European tour?
Paris:City of Lights-Kaleidoscope
Ireland: potatoes
Switzerland: chocolate
Don’t know what the super balls could be yet?
I have 8 clues. 27,312,57,1013,16,5,13,and 7.My son thinks Mall of America, and I think that it is something totally different. No so much a place but a theme….Keep the clues coming!
If you look at the LifeWay VBS facebook, they posted a hint to a video, I believe it is #13 clue.
I think it is the Ancient Streets of Pompeii or it could be Italy. Silica is used in super balls, and silica determines the level of viscosity of the magma of a volcano. Valcano would be Mount Vesuvius was volcano that covered the city of Pompeii. Mountain of Potatoes with spaghetti – mountain in Italy, Mount Vesuvius, and there are Italian chocolate cookies in the meatball shape.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind—the movie from 1977…found this information on Wiki?? Any luck??
Other critics found a variety of Judeo-Christian analogies. Devil’s Tower parallels Mount Sinai, the aliens as God and Roy Neary as Moses. Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments is seen on television at the Neary household. Some found close relations between Elijah and Roy; Elijah was taken into a “chariot of fire”, akin to Roy going in the UFO. Climbing Devil’s Tower behind Jillian and faltering, Neary exhorts Jillian to keep moving and not to look back, similar to Lot’s wife who looked back at Sodom and turned into a pillar of salt.[14] Spielberg explained, “I wanted to make Close Encounters a very accessible story about the everyday individual who has a sighting that overturns his life, and throws it in to complete upheaval as he starts to become more and more obsessed with this experience.”[12]
where can i find clues #13, & #16?
Oh and clue number 7
Found clue #7 “The Christmas Story”… still makes me think it might be Christmas themed. Maybe Christmas around the world… how it it is or isn’t celebrated in different countries. The missions could be great with this theme.
After reading Mary O’s comment I believe it is Italy too!
In Clue # 7–did anyone else see the Y = I in big letters quickly flash one at a time?? What does that mean?? Boy I love this game!!
Wait—I got it!! WOW really great clue #7!!!
Let’s think. Jeff Slaughter went to Uganda this spring and one of the clues is in the jungle. There are jungles in Africa. Maybe that has something to do with it????
I just watched the clue again. It’s a smiley face! The two dips in the mashed potatoes at the end are the eyes the chocolate is the hair and the spaghetti is the mouth. Or am I just seeing things?
Clue # 7 is a cryptogram of sorts Y = I… let me know if you want to know what the phrase says. Okay… I admit I have spent WAY too much time trying to figure the theme out today. I can’t wait until the 6th!
Figured out the “clue” from # 7…have you all found Clue # 207??
Found Clues 16, 57, 312, 27, 1013, 13, 7, 207 but still searching or clue #5…any tips on where to find it?? I don’t mind searching…just have spent a lot of time doing so!!
**SPOILER ALERT** Facts about the clues.. don’t read if you want to find the clues yourself.
Okay.. I can’t help it.. Here’s another theory.
*Clue # 57 “Family Photo” reminds me of the movie National Lampoons Family Vacation where they stop to see the big ball of yarn I believe it is and the dad “sounds” like Chevy Chase.
* Clue #7 “A Christmas Story” is like the movie with the same name where Ralphie finally gets his secrete decoder pin and the message is “Drink More Olvaltine.”
* Clue #13 “It’s a Bird” – Superman
*Clue #1013 “Close Encounters” – Maybe Close Encounters of the Third Kind
* Clue #5 “The Toss” – The compass is pointing north and west… and the voice says “This reminds me of an Episode on TV that scares me.” Maybe the movie North by Northwest.”
*Clue#16 “Great Trip” I have not idea what this might refer to.
Clue #312 “Super Balls” – Maybe Superman again or hopefully not Space Balls.
Could this be a Movie Theme? Just another theory, but I do like my Christmas Theme one better… so HINT HINT if it is a Christmas Theme here’s an idea VBS team!
Where can I find clue# 207?
Clue 207.,,hint lifeway vbs has been promoting a few different things …centri….
My guess …its either “Survivor” or “Amazing Race”
In searching for the elusive clues I clicked on a blog by Becky and I noticed in the VBS banner what looked like a new themed icon. Space Quest. I don’t recall doing that one. The other ones on the banner all looked familiar but that one. It is a circle with what looks like the space shuttle launching upward in an arc. Print too small for mr to read other than the words Space Quest. This is so much fun! I have my dauthers hooked on looking for the clues too! LOL
Elizabeth, it was “Star Quest, A Galactic Good News Adventure, Exploring Our Mission with Jesus.” It was done in the late 90’s (I think).
FINALLY found #207 – don’t know why I didn’t think about a blog in the beginning – spent about 1 hour looking. I agree, probably a movie theme, now Fire and Ice . . .
If you are still looking for #5, watch one of the regular VBS Blog clues and then pay extra close attention to the screen after it is completely finished.
I think it’s a travel around the world theme.
puh leeeze
VBS 2012 will have something to do with MOSES on the MOUNT!
You know… I kinda like the Movie Theme idea. Close Encounters, A Christmas Story, SuperMan… North by Northwest hmmmmm…
Its a Seattle Space City theme. Volcano, space, needle, choclate….
I am really confused but I will cast my vote for Lost or The Great Race just because I think those are great ideas. I like the movie idea as well but don’t think most kids would get those movies or at least not mine.
Vacations around the world
Well, I think maybe it is a circus/carnival theme.
Even if that isn’t it wouldn’t it be fun!!!
I can hear the calliope now!!!
I am going with Wonders of the World
I am thinking it’s an Amazing Race type of scavenger hunt. All over the world maybe?
Italy vbs
Ok, the clues have stunned me. I have also guessed all of the places mentioned. My husband said what about the World Fair, so I checked it out and it will be in South Korea in 2012 and it is the 50 anniversity of the world fair. An event where all people can come together as one for a peroid of time.
Exploring the Wonders of the World with the wonders of God’s Grace
I like the idea of exploring the wonders of the world. All that God created.
Could some of these videos be clues to what the verses will be and not the theme? For instance Heb. 10:13 “There is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man..” Clue 1013- spaghetti, chocolate balls and mashed potatoes are common temptations right? Also I haven’t found clue #7 but it sounds like it is about Christmas. Luke 2:7-“And she brought forth her first born son…”
They’ve written something in the potatoes, guys. Does anyone know what it is? What it means?
Here is what I have so far…
Clue 312- Super Balls: Toronto’s CN Tower; similar to Seattle’s Space Needle.
Clue 27- Kaleidoscope: Northern Lights
Clue 57- Family Photo: The video says the natives call it “papier”, which is French. They speak French in Quebec. Canada also has volcanoes.
Clue 1013- Close Encounters: Animal Wildlife; bears…
Clue 5- The Toss: Location is not far from the US, just “a toss” away
Clue 13- It’s a Bird: They have their own airlines called AirCanada.
Clue 7- The Christmas Story: Drink more hot Cocoa in the winter
Clue 207- Show Stopper: Their National Hockey League is very popular. They are “on fire”.
Clue 98- Savings: Canada is one of the world’s wealthiest nations.
Clue 326- The Aquarium- Touches the Great Lakes and the Oceans
Blog Photo 3- The new logo. The R & S resemble the outfits and structure of the Canadian Guards.
Romans 10:13 for the theme verse
hmmm….. maybe…. CANADA!!! Guess we will find out Monday 🙂
Could it be something to do with US landmarks.
South America – maybe Panama or Ecuador.
Coffee, tomatoes, great trip, potatoes, Teddy Roosevelt – Panama Canal- talk softly. volcanoes
I’m still thinking Italy…Pompeii…I know I’m way off base, 1 hour until we find out!
No wait..can’t fit Teddy Roosevelt into that word picture…gee…
Oh, the contest ends at 1:00 CENTRAL time! I have time to post more coherently.
I think we are headed south, to Central or South America, the lands of rubber (super balls), potatoes, tomatoes, chocolate, coffee (waitress), and volcanoes. If I had to choose a country, I would guess Panama: Teddy Roosevelt saw to the completion of the Panama Canal (which had been started by the French – can you say “papier mache”?) I haven’t seen all of the clues, so I may be way off, but heading through Panama would be a “great trip”.