VBS 2012 – A Closer View
It has been a full 24 hours since I gave you the first clue to the theme for Lifeway’s VBS 2012. What are you guys waiting for? Surely by now you have it figured out, right?
We’ll if not, keep your chin up! I will tell you that the theme for VBS 2012 is like nothing we have ever done before. Today’s impossible clue will give you a closer view.
[vimeo https://vimeo.com/24230876]
The answer to this clue – and all of our extremely amazing, awesome, yet impossible clues – will be revealed live at 1:00 p.m. (CST) Monday, June 6.
Here is another clue: this is not the only impossible clue of the day. There are two more, but to find them you will have to scan the horizon of the W3.
Don’t forget to respond to this post with your best guess which will make you eligible for the VBS 2012 Sampler Sweepstakes. You can also share your guess on FACEBOOK.COM/LIFEWAYVBS.
Extreme sports?
Space theme. Mission possible
I am thinking a physics/science theme. The first two clues has to do with animation techniques and physics is behind both the super ball bouncing and the kaleidoscope. Making volcanoes reminds me of when I made one in Science class back in Elementary school. Science theme anyone?
My kids’ science kit has make your own bouncing balls and make your own volcano – science lab theme?
Extreme Adventure
A science/lab theme would be awesome! That’s what I am guessing this is.
Jungle theme in Africa
The first thing that came to mind when I saw this video was “National Lampoons Family Vacation.” LOL! I’m still stumped, but as others aid maybe a wacky science theme?
I like the science theme.
Still thinking a science/experiment theme! Again, I love science! Yippee! I can’t wait to find out! Leaving PA Sunday for VBS at my home church in FL! Very excited! I am addicted to VBS! Thank you Lifeway!
I am thinking either nature vs nurture or Exploring the Garden of Eden? both could have a scientific feel to them..
Maybe a theme park?
I’m thinking a science theme too. That is very different than what they have done before because usually it is centered around a specific geographic location.
It is an Art and Science Museum theme that is located somewhere (which is where the vacationing family comes in). Maybe a tropical or ocean type location since they have on Hawaiian shirts, but not Hawaii because we have been there before. It may not be a museum, though, it could be an Art and Science amusement park type place?
science and God co-existing?
science themed for sure. Kids would love it. We did a science theme for our summer program a few years ago
I agree so far with the science fair. I first thought arcade though so who knows. It is fun to guess. Now, I am going to search the W3. Happy guessing!
Science/School is what our guess is also. But what is W3, not sure about that? Also the clue # are different numbers which makes me wonder if that is to decode something? hmmmm…..
@Barbara: W3 is just the World Wide Web…3 w’s… 🙂
I agree, so far, with the science lab/experiments theme…I used to work at a children’s science museum; it would definitely make a fun theme for VBS…if that’s NOT it, Lifeway now has a new idea to plan for the NEXT one, lol!
Loving the guesses. Keep it up!
Totally agree with everyone on the Science thing. Super Ball, a Kaleidescope, and an homemade volcano…definitely science related…should be fun!!!
when do we find out? it is 2:14pm EST! i want to know! i want to know! PLEASE!
Sorry! I now see that I have to wait until Monday the 6th at 1pm CST! =D
“keep your chin up…” , “scan the horizon…”, super balls looking like astroids … stars showing up in the Kaleidoscope…
you know, I’m thinking outer space… and that maybe Jerry has too much time on his hands… just sayin’.
I am guessing a science theme… or CSI-like theme. Can’t wait until Monday!!
When you are at the office on Memorial Day a lot of things are possible.
I knew that “they” didn’t let you out much. :O) (They didn’t even take you to New York…)
Ok…not good at clues..but I am thinking something like Survivor!
I think I might have to agree with the majority this year. I am guessing a Mad Scientist theme.
Pacaya volcano is in Guatemala. so maybe it will take place in Guatemala.
I’m guessing a science theme. Lifeway seems to alternate between a place and something different. This year is a place so next year would be something random. No science theme’s so that would be something new. And FUN!
Star Quest back in 1998 was a space theme.
Milky Way. Stars.
It’s the World Wide Web or The Internet!
I am thinking a Science Theme or Science Lab. Whatever it is, it will be great!
Science theme would be great!!
is it like honey i shrunk the kids..
paper mache volcanoe?
the people are looking at a huge paper mache volcanoe maybe they are at a science fair but…they have been shrunk!
when the ball almost landed on the “pin”..the next day it said lets take a CLOSER LOOK…
I think it is Hawaii. It is so beautiful there and only God could have created something that wonderful
Jurassic Park, dinosaurs??
I think the theme for VBS 2010 is related to Saving the Unchurched or the Unchurched being Saved by the Savior. Just a guess.
W3 is the world wide web, scan the horizon of the web: could be anything! Agree that 2012 will not be geography based, but am guessing “God’ s Great Beyond” space theme is a good one.
I’m still guessing it’s an amusement park or circus theme. It could also be a mystery theme like a CSI.
I am starting to think that maybe it is a science theme.
Look closer at those meatballs! They’re not meatballs, they’re green olives! Let’s see; volcano, spaghetti, green olives. Can’t be anything except Italy!
Going to Hawaii, exploring all the ups a downs and the mysteries. Gravity
It can’t be Space they already did that one. I am guessing the Wonders of the World and we will be “tourists”.
I am guessing Alaska!!
Will my guess is Universal Studios Florida Islands of Adventure so where going to Florida. WHooo Hoooo!!!!
I kind of hope it’s not a science theme…I feel like we are just mimicing the Group Publishing theme that was done a few years ago with science. 🙁 We did the same with the island they had Lava Lava Island then 3 years later Outrigger Island 🙁
North-by-Northwest … Mt.St Helen’s volcano ….. rain forest … Seattle!
The announcement with all of the different VBS logos have one that I am not familiar with. Maybe 2012’s theme? It is on the far right and you can see the second line starts with an E. I tried to solve the scrambled words from the Christmas video clue and came up with ‘Jesus’ and ‘Quest’ althought there is only one u in there. I had also wondered if maybe some of the numbers may be latitude and longitude points on the globe to different places. Maybe the bouncing balls mean we are ‘bouncing’ to different places.
Beth… the Christmas video clue is “drink more hot cocoa”…
Susan- wow. I missed that one. The x and q were throwing me off. Guess I missed another clue somewhere 🙂
Time Travel
VBS 2012- the clues lead me to think that they are in reference to presidents so is the theme surrounding leading/leadership??? 1 o’clock can’t get here fast enough…
The 7 wonders of the world
How exciting!!!!! 1930’s and airplanes!