To Ruminate or Not to Ruminate?
ru·mi·nate (verb) : to engage in contemplation : reflect
Memorial Day is a good day to ruminate – and when I ruminate, I usually pray.
Each night, my youngest son and I read a few pages out of a classic book, have a little devotional time and say a little prayer. Each night, my son prays for our soldiers and their families. Do these little prayers really matter? I think so.
Peter Kreeft does too: “I strongly suspect that if we saw all the difference even the tiniest of our prayers make, and all the people those little prayers were destined to affect, and all the consequences of those prayers down through the centuries, we would be so paralyzed with awe at the power of prayer that we would be unable to get up off our knees for the rest of our lives.”
So, on this Memorial Day, with hearts full of gratitude, let’s remember as we pray (even a little prayer) for anyone we may know in military service and their families and thank God for all who have given their lives for our freedom.
Speaking of prayer – we will be doing a prayer journal in crafts this year and being fundamentally unable to do a craft without a lesson, I will be teaching our students to use the prayer journal. To do that we will actually be taking a few minutes each night to use the journal and say a quick prayer. I have posted in detail on the craft forum my plans, so I will be breif here. The first page of the journal will be a Pray Pledge that the older VBS students sign (commit to one week of prayer). Each student will choose a missionary family to pray for at the begining of the week (will paste a photo and demographinc data in journal). One night we will be making New York cards and the students will write a note of encourangement to the missionary family they chose. I will mail them the next day. Each night the VBS students will choose a missioary from the birthday list in Open Windows and will paste it in their journal. We will go around the room and say a one or two sentence pray for the missionary family and the birthday missionary. I hope this will encourge our children to pray and show them a way they can participate in missions OWN THEIR OWN. Please see the forum for more details and handouts.
very dispointed in 2011 vbs-big apple; first time to work in vbs for the whole time–big apple book I used for missions did not help-waste of money NOW we have an opportunity to play guess what is coming for 2012. STOP PLAYING GAMES-PLEASE …spend time giving us information we can share with our kids. Fred Bouchet First Baptist Church -Vincent AL.