“In a car, Honk! Honk! In a train, Choo! Choo! In a car, in a train, in a plane. Zoom! Zoom!
Hey y’all!
I’ve been listening to these words as I’m getting ready to teach at my church’s VBS in a few weeks. Our preschoolers will be singing “Everywhere I Go” each day at the Big Apple!
You can find this song (and other great ones like it) on the VBS 2011 Music for Preschoolers CD and on the CDs located in the leader packs (VBS 2011 Babies–2 Leader Pack, VBS 2011 3s–Pre-K Leader Pack, and VBS 2011 Kindergarten Leader Pack).
And, did you know that this preschool song has been illustrated into two super cute books? Kids can follow along in the book as they sing the song and make some of the fun sounds of New York City. Check these out: VBS 2011 Kid’s Activity Pak: Babies–2s and VBS 2011 Kid’s Activity Pak: 3s–Kindergarten. Both paks also contain five daily activity cards that are designed to be used in learning activities and then later at home. What a great NYC souvenir for preschoolers!
I am so thankful for the great composers who write songs that preschoolers love to sing. It’s going to be a fun year for preschoolers at VBS!
“Everywhere I travel, everywhere I go, Jesus loves me, this I know.”
Song words and music by Lynn Shaw Bailey. Arranged by Barny Robertson.© Copyright 2008 and this arrangement © copyright 2010 Van Ness Press, Inc. (ASCAP) (admin. by Lifeway Worship). All rights reserved.
We have been listening to that for a while now – LOVE IT!!!!!!
I love that the book matches the song… fabulous idea… great keepsake too. I think that we may teach this one to the older kids too just for kicks.
Is there anyone that would be willing to share their preschool CD with me that has this song on it? Because it was 2011 it is no longer available to purchase and I would love to teach it to my preschool choir. Angy Thelemann, Amazing Grace Lutheran Church
You should be able to download the “Everywhere I Go” song for $.99 and a music video for $1.99 of directly and immediately to your computer by going to the following LifeWay websites:
It’s the same song as they used in the VBS material, repackaged for general children’s worship use in “Worship KidStyle.”
“Everywhere I Go” originally appeared and is still available in LifeWay’s Children’s Music Series (CMS) “Songs for Music Time 4.2” – Product No 005099262 – a collection of 13 songs for preschoolers released in late 2008. Here is the website to order online along with the description:
“Give Children’s Music Series leaders and accompanists printed versions of this excellent collection of preshool songs. Contains printed piano accompaniment for all songs in this volume of Music Time.
TITLES: Everywhere I Go; God Is with Me; He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands; Do What God Says; God Sent His Only Son; God Will Help Me; Love Each Other; God Hears Me When I Pray; Glad Songs to God; Happy Easter Day; I Will Be Glad; Tell Everyone About Jesus; I Like to March”
In addition, the teacher’s guide for use of these songs with 3’s is available free online at https://www.lifeway.com/lwc/files/lwcF_CRD_mus_CMS_music_time_for_3s_4_2.pdf
The song was also included last year in LifeWay’s Worship KidStyle Summer 2010 on their DVD and enhanced CD, but only lyrics were included on the printed materials.
I hope this helps!
God bless!
Lynn Shaw Bailey