Five Favorites
Hey y’all! As you get ready for a super Big Apple VBS, don’t forget to plan ways to encourage and thank your teachers! We all know that what we do is our gift to the Lord, but it helps to get affirmation from others! Here are some of my favorite ways. Go to the VBS 2011 Administrative Guide to see others!
1. Provide childcare 20 minutes before and after VBS. It always helps to have a few minutes to pray, handle last-minute things, and take a few deep breaths!
2. Make several prayer tokens (use the VBS 2011 Subway Tokens or create your own) to pass among teachers during VBS. Share this prayer plan with teachers before VBS begins. When a teacher receives a token, it means that the person passing it has just prayed for her. Encourage teachers to keep prayer going as they pass the prayer tokens!
3. Set up a teacher snack area. Ask senior adults who aren’t teaching in VBS to provide homemade goodies for teachers and workers.
4. Print daily appreciation cards and attach candies and treats. We’ve made it easy for you—check out the great cards already prepared for you! Look in the Director’s Helps section on the CD that comes with the VBS 2011 Administrative Guide.
5. Give each teacher a VBS 2011 Adult Apron. The gift becomes more special when kids sign it or add their handprints.
So what’s your favorite way to encourage leaders? Share it here!
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