Foto Friday. . .Decorating Midtown Snacks
Hi everybody! I hope everyone is having a great day! This week’s Foto Friday is actually another decorating video I found on our VBS website. I actually has a lot of fun working on this set! This one is about the Midtown Snacks set. Melita, once again does a great job! Please pardon me. . .I get a little tongue-tied! lol!
When I built the hot dog cart, I initially was trying to figure out how to build the cart from the axle up! Luckly one of my co-workers mentioned my garden cart I have. It worked perfectly!
Here are some “in-progress” photos of the hot dog cart. The video is at the bottom of page.
Oh, remember, we would love to see your photos of the sets and decorations you build! You can post them on the VBS community.
Don’t forget to check out Rhonda’s blog post this coming Monday. . .I got a sneak-peek and it’s good! ! !
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