Jeff and a Hymn
Good Wednesday morning! It’s a rainy, cold morning in Nashville, with temperatures about 10 degrees below normal. Makes me envy my good friend, Jeff Slaughter, as he has just returned from vacation in warmer climates! For those of you who know Lifeway’s VBS, Jeff needs no introduction. But, just in case any of you are new here, I’ll give you a short intro. Jeff began writing the music for our VBS with Good News Stampede, our 1997 release. We’ve been fortunate to have him remain on board with us for what will be our 16th theme next year! (And it’s a good one!) I love to hear Jeff’s stories of how the lyrics and melodies come to him each year. Jeff sincerely presents himself as a vessel for God to use.
Here’s an interesting story from Jeff about this year’s “pretty song” (as I like to call it), “I Will.”
Hey everybody! This is such a fun time of the year for me…getting to travel around to different VBS conferences… singing, dancing and worshiping with friends…and hearing about how the Lord is already using this program to touch people’s lives. I love to hear the stories!
A few weeks ago a lady shared with me that the woman who wrote the lyrics for the hymn “Take the Name of Jesus With You,” Lydia Baxter, was born in New York, started a church in Petersburg, NY, and served as a missionary in the state until she passed away in NYC in 1874! I had no idea when I used the chorus of this hymn as the bridge for “I Will” (the Day 4 song) that New York was such a special part of the composer’s life! I love how the Lord is always “connecting the dots” for us!
One more thing, she was born on Sept. 2nd, 1809. Our VBS team settled upon the Big Apple Adventure theme on Sept. 2nd, 2009! So cool!! How sweet of the Lord to allow her passion for New York to continue to have an impact 200 years later!!
Amen we serve a DOT Connecting Type of God…Loved the story – thanks for sharing and offering your talents to the VBS community – we appreciate you so very very much and you are such a talented musician – Looking forward to VBS this Summer – Loved The VBS Preview Event at Ridgecrest.
Thanks, Lynne, for sharing that with us. It is encouraging to see how God’s hand is ALWAYS at work around us whether we realize it or not. I appreciate you!
Jeff is amazing at using his spirtual gifts to reach out to children. I started directing VBS for my church in 2001 (Truth Trackers). My oldest was nine months old and I was pg with my second. NOW, my oldest will be in her last year of VBS and has already said someday she plans to take over my job. Then my other two girls fight about which one will be the director, the music leader or a teacher. It’s exciting to see my children already singing and learning the motions for this years VBS. They all says, “Jeff is awesome”.
We are always so excited to learn the music each year for vbs. Our fave thing to do is to get 4 or 5 youth to learn the movements so they can be on stage all week leading the music.
I am so excited to see Jeff this weekend, I am sure he is as fun and animated as he is on the videos! We look forward to the “pretty” song every year! 🙂
Thanks for helping us reach the kids through music, Jeff! Thanks for allowing God to use you in such a huge way!
For several years, I have seen God use these VBS songs in powerful life-changing ways, both in the US and other countries. One of the most poignant is a memory of standing in a circle, singing “One” simultaneously in English and Spanish while ministering to Mexican children in a Tijuana ghetto neighborhood. God has uniquely anointed Jeff Slaughter with the gift to communicate His heart through music — thank you for years of inspiration and FUN! Grateful for your gift and for you using it creatively to bring Him glory — keep it up!!
Jeff needs to tone down the dancing and the choreographing…..this is CHURCH, people, not “So You Think You Can Dance”! It gets more worldly every year. Go back to sign language and cut out the choreography.
We are to be in the world, but not of it. This stuff is “of the world”.
I’m not even showing the videos this year. Just because kids like it doesn’t mean it’s of God….kids have no discernment! And apparently neither do many Southern Baptist adults at this point in time.
There are many of us that feel this way, so are you listening, Lifeway? Next year we may not use Lifeway.
I’m not sure why you think dancing is ungodly. Although there are other scripture verses, like when David danced for the LORD and the LORD was pleased, I personally love this one.
(Ecclesiastes 3) “A Time for Everything
1 For everything there is a season, and time for every matter under heaven:
2 a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3 a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to rrefrain from embracing;
6 a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.”
I worked with a signer this year in our VBS and she was impressed with the motions being true to sign lanuage. If you feel that Lifeway isn’t for you, then I would suggest you go elsewhere, but please do not state your personal feelings at fact. As someone who was on the State Training Team a year ago, the majority of us love the energy that Jeff puts into each and every song and see nothing of what you are saying. He is an amazing man who not only loves the LORD, but loves seeing children come to Christ. That’s what it’s really about, the kids.
I don’t mean to sound harsh, but as a VBS Director for 10 years (and have used Lifeway for each year–plus the honor of being on the Co State Team for a year), I’ve seen not only kids come to Christ, but I’ve seen them become leaders in the church.
So in speaking for the MAJORITY of baptist, Jeff, keep doing what you do and I can’t wait until next year!
God Bless
I don’t think, when David danced before the Lord, that he choreographed and patterned his dancing after what the heathen were doing….it was most likely just a spontaneous “jumping for joy”, i.e. leaping, whilrling, etc., like Jesus did when he “rejoiced in Spirit” (Luke 10:21….look in your Strong’s Concordance at the meaning of the word “rejoiced” in that verse) I have no problem with “dancing before the Lord” when it is Spirit-led, though rarely have I seen it when it actually was (spent many years in the charismatic churches). When it IS Spirit led, I don’t believe there will be any booty shaking, moon walking, or body writhing going on.
The dancing that Jeff is doing is patterned after the world. When these kids grow up, they are going to be of the mindset that choreographing worship services with dances like they see on MTV is ok. It’s not. Jeff and the kids on the videos are shaking their booties, doing Michael Jackson moves, and the one little African-American girl gets very sensual (especially considering her skin-tight attire) with some of her moves, especially on “Love You More”. Last year he had them doing country honkytonk dancing!
The music and lyrics are great. The motions and sign language are fine, also. The dancing is just too over the top, and getting worse every year.
I don’t mean to sound harsh either, but I have been born again for 30 years and involved in VBS for many years also, mostly in music, so all your “honors” and “credentials” don’t move me.
Just because something is being done in the name of Jesus and getting results does not necessarily mean that everything about it is right. The New Testament tells of people preaching the gospel out of selfish ambition in order to add to Paul’s suffering…..he rejoiced that the gospel was being preached and that people were being saved, but what they were doing was still wrong and had lasting consequences. The lasting consequence of this worldliness in the Lifeway VBS music will be an increase in the worldliness of the Southern Baptist church of the future, as if there isn’t already enough of that.
I’m sure Jeff is doing this out of a sincere desire to serve God and is to be commended for his songwriting talent, but he needs to step back and spend some time in prayer about the dancing.
I want to point out that the kids already tend to shake their booties a little too much, even without the videos (we’re having VBS this week, and I’m not showing the videos). If I were to show the videos, it would just be a booty-shakin’ dance fest, with the kids not even listening to the words of the songs!
I hope someone at Lifeway will show these comments to Jeff so he can pray about the dancing.
I just want to remind everyone of two verses – Phil. 2:14 Do everything without complaining or argueing, so that you may become blamieless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like the stars in the universe. Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen.
If you don’t like something lifeway does – write them a letter – but I hate it when people post complaints on here so that the world gets to see how we think it’s ok to tear apart our brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s also so harsh to judge someone and tell them what to do when you don’t know them – just because God may be putting it on your heart to do something in your church doesn’t mean he’s not telling others to do it another way – Jeff is an amazing man of God – I got to spend time with him at the last preview event and to hear someone incinuate that he doesn’t pray and what he’s doing is not led by the Lord is totally wrong!
I AM writing them a letter….through this blog. I don’t know how else to get it done.
No one from the world is paying any attention to this blog.
Jeff can be the most amazing man of God in the world and still not be totally right in everything he does. Are you totally right in everything you do? Of course not….none of us are.
I never “insinuated” that Jeff doesn’t pray.
Hi, Susie:
I too, am dissappointed in the direction that Lifeway is going with their music. Unfortunately, the music department is up to someone else in our church. I would not use them anymore if it were my decision either, Susie.
There is way too much booty shaking going on. It makes it near impossible for the ladies of the church group to participate in any of the music. This music is not geared to turn our thoughts to our precious Lord and Savior. It wets an appetite for the young people to desire more of the world’s music and tempting dancing styles.
You are not alone in your opinion and I wanted you to know this.
God bless,
Cool posts:
We just had our VBS last week. It was soo cool. I agree with most of the women on here. Hey, as long as I can still have my rock music and hear it in church, I’m happyl. Most Southern Baptist CHurches could care less about what you wear either. I can show up in a halter top, minie skirt, IT’s all good these days. Lifeway just makes it easier to be a Christian. We don’t have to give up much any more like when my mom was a kid. It ROCKS!!!!…
I want to add to my friend Kym’s post:
J’s music rocks!!! He proves that you don’t have to give up awesome rock music to be a Christian these days. Maybe they can invent Christian night clubs and Christian beer to go with it.!! Party on, people!!!!
I would like to comment:
It has been a while since I’ve seen powerful writing like Sister Susie has written. I, too agree with you, Susie.
The dancing needs to be toned down. I was upset after our VBS last week after having to “endure” the music back stage. I like the music part, but when I thought about dancing, I realized if I did, I would be shaking a little more than necessary. I don’t dance in that fashion anyways…I agree about the jumping for joy…That would seem more glorifying to the Lord than a sensual, sexual movement, which some of the Lifeway dances can evoke.
Thank you once again for taking a stand.
This is an interesting forum. I’m more conservative in my thinking as well. I’m sure Lifeway is doing a lot of great things world wide and furthering God’s kingdom. They have a lot of good curiculum and I find it helpful.
Yet, the music does seem to be getting more worldly each year. I read a few of the posts and noticed someone refer to MTV…I found something interesting quoted by Tom Freston, who was the President of MTV at one time. (Not sure if he still is) He said, “I have prevented my kids from watching MTV at home. It’s not safe for kids.” Powerful. It hits the nail on the head. “Christian rock” needs to re-evaluate their priorities. Too much worldliness will not be good for the future of our children and our churches.
I really find that interesting – most music of hymns were bar tunes – I don’t thing music itself can be worldly and I think God created music not the world. Very interesting thoughts.
Let’s analyze…and analyze, Sarah C. Stinnett…It doesn’t take much common sense to know that music can be worldy…Rock music especially. The preformers and the music do not draw one’s thoughts to a holy, loving God. They are totally opposite anything sacred and holy. Most of the original listiners of rock music back in the 60’s referred to rock music as the devil’s music and there were numerous record burnings around the world after John Lennon stated that rock music was more popular than Jesus.
Christians have slowly accepted the world’s ways now it has gone a bit over board in a lot of churches now. The “Christian” rock music is blasphemy. They simply think you can take the world’s music (created first and foremost for sex, drugs and rock and roll) and put Christian lyrics to it. It doesn’t make sense to me….Shun the world’s ways
What I find very sad here is people passing such judgement. Music is beautiful and so is sign lanuage used in the VBS music. I see nothing wrong with music no matter what the tempo when the words praise God. Shame on those casting stones. Kids jumping around and shaking their bodies is only sexual when we make it such. To say a 3 year old who’s dancing around the room is sinful, it just ridiculas and I’ve never seen it as such (and I came to LORD later in life after being in that type of scene).
My suggestion is if you don’t feel it’s right, go elsewhere for your VBS materials. There are many publisher out there. I’ve personally met Jeff and I assure you he is not of the world, but a light from God. I’ve seen children, now adults, who can still remember some of the motions that helped them learn a scripture verse or lyrics that reminded them that God is always there for them–when times get tough. Satan doesn’t want that to happen, the world doesn’t want that to happen. So instead of tearing down something that is bringing people to the LORD, we should be building it up. 🙂
Our church IS going elsewhere next year for our VBS materials.
Motions and sign language are one thing, and it was fine when that was all it was. But whole-body twisting and writhing are another. It astounds me that so many people cannot see the difference…..and one reason is because of the increasing worldliness in the church, of which Jeff’s VBS music videos are a part.
Many of the dance “steps” and motions that Jeff and the kids are doing in those videos is modeled directly after worldly music videos, and some of them ARE very sensual in nature, to boot. He needs to step back and pray about what he can do to keep it clean.
When you’re trying to help someone out of a mud puddle, you don’t get in the mud with them….you stand safely on the bank and pull them out. If you get in it with them, you end up stuck yourself.
Are you listening, Lifeway?
Thank you Jeff, for all your hard work and dedication to the Lord! Your music is great and it shares the love that you have for God. I appreciate all the personal stories and reflections that you share on the DVD. Keep it up!
To all others who have posted: Maybe the music and the actions are becoming too worldly, maybe not. I think the important thing to remember is that we always want to Glorify God. AND the actions that Jeff has on the DVD are just “suggestions”. It is not set in stone that they are the only actions that can be used. I have heard Jeff himself say many times to feel free to change something if it is too hard, or not comfortable to do, etc . . . SO, why not just change the actions to something you feel is more appropriate.
It saddens me greatly to see the posts on here that I feel are doing nothing but “bashing Jeff.” I have met Jeff and he is a Godly man who only wants to glorify his Lord and Savior.
The easiest way to contact Lifeway is to go their “contact us” page and send them an e-mail with your concerns.
Wow. So, is the music the only part of the VBS curriculum that matters? What about the Bible Story content or the Missions content? As it has already been pointed out, you can change the actions and you don’t have to use the videos to teach the kids the songs. Our church never uses the videos. I am the director for our church and I think that the Lifeway material is great all the way around. If the actions seem to be a little too worldly, I know that the person who teaches the music portion will use discernment and change those actions. The kids always love the themes and how the songs tie into those themes. Can’t wait for next year!
Does anyone else not see the danger in allowing young, impressionable children to think it’s okay to listen to the music of the world…The church in general is spiraling down hill.
Our leaders no longer take a Godly, Biblical stand against the worldliness.
They are compromising and trying to draw in a crowd…”In Jesus’ name…”
I’m sorry, but our God is a holy God and our churches need to continue to shun what is of the world and be seperate in our actions and beliefs.
Too many outside unbelivers are looking in at the church and scratching their heads thinking, “Why would I need anything from God or “religion”…those people are no different than I am.
I’m sure Jeff feels he is doing the right thing in his mind…But please take into consideration what some of these people are writing in about…
There are way too many that feel something needs to change in a better direction…away from the world’s ways.
Thank you, R.T. Good to know there are still some Christians left with a little discernment.
Leigh Ann and Carla…..yes, the music can be changed, and the videos not shown, which is what I did, but the VBS director, who apparently sees nothing wrong with worldliness, uses the videos for the “worship rally”.
The people at the top (leaders) should have enough discernment not to send that stuff down the pipe for less discerning people to use, because many of them will just go ahead and use it without thinking about it…..because our churches are FULL of worldly people, and with this kind of VBS material, becoming more worldly by the day.
The changes must come from the top….from our so-called leaders, or elders. Less mature Christians will usually only consider that something might be wrong to do if someone more mature and in authority over them points it out.
Come on Lifeway, lose the worldliness! Surely God is able to inspire our worship music without just giving us copies of MTV!
Rock music is something both me and my husband decided to give up after being saved. We stand strong to our convictions. It sadened us greatly when we joined a Southern Baptst church and heard what was being playing for the kids in VBS. Some of this stuff is harder than any VanHalen or Gun’s & Roses put out there. I’ve read up on the mind set of these rockers and they admit that this music is of a sexual orientaion to gear the mind and body for just that….sex, drugs and do what you want attitude. It’s frustrating. I don’t understand why any saved person who has given up their sin would want to have a part of it –right in church of– all places. I too wish Lifeway could understand the danger in this choice of music.