What is VBS Tools Online??
VBS Tools Online is a web-based program that was developed to help churches manage their Vacation Bible Schools. I have had the privilege of doing an overview of VBS Tools Online at our VBS Preview Events for the past few years. I thought it might be helpful to share the information that I shared at our events with the blogosphere!! Here’s a powerpoint presentation that gives a little view into VBS Tools Online. Hopefully it will give you a glimpse of the kind of work it does. (HINT: Hit menu to view full screen on your computer)
[slideshare id=6871048&doc=vbstoolsonlinepresentationupdate-110209201022-phpapp01]
If you have used VBS Tools Online, I would love to know what the most helpful feature is to you? What feature do you wish that VBS Tools Online offered?
What is wrong with the VBS Tools Online website? We have been trying to enter our VBS attendance since 6:30 this evening!
For 2013, is there a possibility of implementing a mobile app, for attendance entry? It would make life a lot easier, and elminiate a lot of paper use.