All God's Creatures Great and Small

Who are they you ask?
Well let me introduce you.
Andrew is a missionary to the Bronx section of New York City where he and Proof, a registered canine assistance dog, minister to children and families at Graffiti 2. Their story is featured in both the preschool and grades 1- 6 missions rotation resources for Lifeway’s Big Apple Adventure. It is a fantastic story of how God can use all of His creatures, both great and small to connect people back to Him.
In January I had the opportunity to visit with Andrew and Proof at the Ridgecrest, North Carolina VBS Preview and learn more of their amazing story. Enjoy!
[vimeo w=500&h=281]
To learn more about Andrew, Proof, and Graffiti 2 ministries go to
-the vbsguy
i think it’s great that you realize u r a “martha”, but u must remember to have compassion and love for others that are definitely not typical “martha’s”. In other words, don’t be such a snob by thinking u r beter that every one else.