Al goes to NYC!
Earlier this year, I got to tag along with our video team as we headed to NYC to film the promotional videos for VBS 2011.
Our team in NYC consisted of Donny the VBS fan, who you all know and love; Roberta, the project coordinator and a vital part of our VBS marketing team; Ryan, the sound guy who toted at least 1000 pounds of sound equipment around in a backpack all over the city, and Steve, the video producer and cameraman!
Now Steve has three young boys, so as he was leaving town, he let them pick out an action figure to send with their Dad so they could be a part of our NYC trip. The boys choose Al (the alien) and his dirt bike (because it’s dangerous). And Steve gave me permission to share Al’s pics with you guys!
Church VBS Leaders!
If you are looking for a NYC ministry to connect with for VBS missions moments or your VBS missions offering, we are your church! We have hands on ministry to people living with HIV and to underprivileged kids in the heart of Manhattan.
The Gallery Church is an SBC church a little over 4 years old. We’ll be creating 1-3 minute mission videos for you to use during “Big Apple Adventure” and will be available for skype conversations as well.
Check out our church website
& and please don’t hesitate to call us. 917.475.1770 and ask for Pastor Freddy T.
Humbled in NYC!