Saddle Ridge Ranch – in MOLDOVA???
Every summer for the past four years, I have had the privilege of visiting some of my favorite people in the world, – the kids who live at the school for orphaned and abandoned children in Falesti, Moldova. My church has been doing camp in Falesti for the orphans who have no place to live for the summer for the last 6 or 7 years. This year, when we got to camp, imagine my surprise when I saw this:
I was sooooooooooooo excited to see that my friends had experienced Saddle Ridge Ranch VBS the week before we got there. One of my favorite things was to hear sweet Catea (pictured below) yell “yeee-haw” in a southern accent. It was so cute!
I’m not 100% sure which church visited Falesti the week before our team did, but I think it was Shearer Hills Baptist Church from San Antonio, Texas. If any of you from Shearer Hills happen to read this blog, thank you for ministering to some of the most wonderful, beautiful kids I know.
Do you use your Vacation Bible School curriculum to minister to kids overseas? I would love for you to share your stories with us in the comments section.
i love saddel rigd ranch i think it was the best theme
We used Saddle Ridge Ranch (El Rancho Vaquero) in the Dominican Republic, also to minister to 8 different homes for orphans. We have been doing this for 10 years now. The kids loved this year’s theme.
Every year we do VBS in Mexico using Lifeway spanish materials. We usually have up to 100 kids by the end of the week. This year it was great having the songs from Saddle Ridge Ranch in Spanish but a little difficult trying to choreograph with the english motion DVD. We would love to have the videos and song demonstrations on one spanish DVD, too.