Fun on VBS 2011 theme announcement day!
Hopefully some of you guys had some fun spotting the VBS 2011 theme on the morning of June 14th at the Today Show, The Early Show, or Good Morning America! Big thanks to our friends at the Gallery Church who helped us get the word out about the Big Apple Adventure!
If you missed it, here are some clips:
And some pics of our signholders and morning show celebrities!!
I think it will be one of the best VBS because you can do just about ANYTHING with this type theme. I had the privilege in visiting Manhattan about four years ago and we were “non-stop” until we left for home! It really is a city that doesn’t sleep!!! Using this type theme should be fairly easy and the decoration will be easy……because i have about 600 pictures of our vacation in NYC. AND we saved a lot of souveniers, so it will definitely be easy for me to decorate my Bible Study Room.
Thanks for all the work on the blog! A shameless plug here. I know that thousands of churches will be looking for a NYC ministry to designate their Big Apple Adventure VBS Missions offering to. We’d be so honored to be that ministry! God is at work in wonderful ways here in the Big Apple and we are so excited that people’s eye’s and prayer will be pointed this way next summer.
To connect with us about your 2011 VBS offering go to
To read about our church, The Gallery Church go to Yes, our crew is the crew that helped promote! They are awesome!
I think it will be one of the best VBS because you can do just about ANYTHING with this type theme. I had the privilege in visiting Manhattan about four years ago and we were “non-stop” until we left for home! It really is a city that doesn’t sleep!!! Using this type theme should be fairly easy and the decoration will be easy……because i have about 600 pictures of our vacation in NYC. AND we saved a lot of souveniers, so it will definitely be easy for me to decorate my Bible Study Room.