Oops! VBS 2010 Catalog Corrections. . .
You know how you work so hard on something – you check it, double check it, have 8 or 10 other people check it – then you send it to your boss, or your teacher, or a printer, only to get it back and find mistakes? Yep – it happens to all of us, even at a publishing company! So, let me bring your attention to a couple of our mistakes that are in our printed catalog:
- Page 29 – VBX 2010 Preteen Bible Study Leader Pack – There is an icon beside this item that indicates that it is in the Super Sampler, but it isn’t. The icon should have been placed beside the VBX 2010 Preteen Bible Study Leader Guide, which doesn’t have an icon beside it, but is in the Super Sampler.
- Page 48 – VBS 2010 Cowbell Key Chain and VBS 2010 Saddle Ridge Ranch Cowbell – The size indicated in the product description of the cowbell (1″ wide x 1 1/4″ tall) is actually the size of the Cowbell Key Chain. The Cowbell is actually 3 inches wide and 4 inches tall.
I believe there’s also a mistake on page 34 under the Music Rotation & Musical CD. It states “Only $2.29 per CD”
Good catch Melissa – I had not even seen that one yet! That is a mistake – the VBS 2010 Music for Kids CDs are only $2.29 per CD, not the Music Rotation and Musical CDs.
Is their any church out there willing to help out the oldest Baptist church in Fannin County, Texas who is poor in money but rich in the spirit, with Vacation Bible School materials.
Our Association sometimes shares the larger items among its churches. I’ve ordered the banner and I’d like to share it, but am unsure how I can put my churches information on the banner in a way it can be removed for the next church. Any ideas?
We used a banner one year and used the dry erase/vis a vis markers to write on it. Then we could use the dry erase board spray and wipe it off. Also our association used peel and stick letters. Also, we pass on our materials to other churches when we are finished.
On the Administrative CD the VBS Attendance Record is jumbled when it is printed. Final School Summary has zeros entered so they have to be whited out before any prints can be made.
Daily VBS Attendance also has zeros and has to be whited out. Can you email any of these edited?
Nail polish remover will take marker off the banner so that it can be re-used
We found a great way to make temporary banner info… we purchased a vinyl cutting machine, and cut the words, symbols, etc.. out of the vinyl. It will stick to the banner but comes off easily because there is no adhesive, and it won’t rub off like dry-erase or smear like markers! You can get them at WalMart and Michaels Crafts. As a bonus, we have used the vinyl cutter to print verses to put on walls in the church, and make decoration for different events! It will cut vinyl patterns for wall decor, window decals, etc…. just like the ones you see in the store. Hope that helps
Hey Carla – We have put a corrected version of the VBS Attendance Record on the downloads section of our website:
The other two forms you mentioned (Final School Summary and Daily VBS Attendance) have been set up to work on the computer. If you enter in the number of children and leaders, then it tallies the daily attendace and the zero changes to the total number of people.
If you are printing them out to use by hand, then the zeros will show up – but you can make a copies of the Daily VBS Attendance form on p. 60 and of the Final School Summary on p. 56 of the Administrative Guide – hope this helps!
Another idea to post times, etc. on banners would be to print out the info on regular printer paper. Then use clear contact paper to attach the sheets to the banner by cutting it a couple of inches wider than your sheet of paper. When your finished, just peel the contact paper off.
Am a sunday school teacher we need help in sunday school materails to teach children.If your touched about it please help
read matthew 7:7
A promotional DVD was listed in the contents of the sampler
kits but I can not find it in mine. Can you tell me if it is located in one of the books or separately? It is not listed in the catalog as an item that you can buy. Last year it was located in the front of the VBS catalog.
The DVD is loose in the Super Sampler in a white sleeve. The whole DVD has a bandanna print on it. It isn’t in the front of the catalog like it has been in the past. If you can’t find it, you can download all of the segments, including two segment (a leader recruitment and kids promo segment) that aren’t on the DVD by going to the LifeWay VBS website: https://www2.lifeway.com/vbs2010/yourvbs/index.php/multimedia/
Our VBS director did not have the department signs in the large kit. Were the signs taken out this year? We had to make our own. Love the theme this year. Been preparing since before VBS was over last year. Thanks for great ideas. Shirley
Are there any DVD segments that can help enlist workers and also a kids’ promotional segment?
Hey Shirley – The rotation signs have never been in our Super Sampler. They are available for purchase separately for $6.99: https://www.lifeway.com/e6/shop/?id=005187230
Judy – we just added the recruitment and kids promo segments to our website as downloads – If you scroll down, you’ll see leader recruitment and kids promo and there is a link to download the files underneath the video player.
@ Becky, #4. I had the same problem with inheriting banners. I used hand sanitizer with a lot of rubbing and removed permanent marker. The faster you get it off the better it comes off.
can you send me a catalog please thank you.
Judy Cope
2171 Houser Rd
Benton, KY 42025
Judy – if you’ll fill out our VBS catalog request form, you’ll get a catalog in 4 to 6 weeks. Thanks! Here’s a link: https://www2.lifeway.com/vbs2010/yourvbs/index.php/catalog/
Are the Kindergarten classes supposed to have the same memory verse for Day 3 and Day 5?
(God has plans for you. – Jer 29:11)