VBS Music Preview
At Lifeway Kids Conference last week, the Young Musicians Honor Choir from Oklahoma did such a great job with the premiere of the VBS 2010 Saddle Ridge Ranch music. I put together a video of some of the highlights for you, but I need to warn you ahead of time – I’m not the best videographer in the world (so you may experience some motion sickness while watching).
I really was blessed to see these kids worship as they sang these songs – It’s very touching to hear them sing “I just wanna be like Jesus” and be able to tell that they really do mean it!
I was wondering why you only have 4 songs for Route 254 VBS? Are you going to add one more later?
Hey Paula – The Club VBS line of curriculum doesn’t include a daily music rotation, so there aren’t any daily songs like there are for Saddle Ridge Ranch. The 4 songs that are provided for Club VBS: Route 254 are meant to be used in Worship Rally, and there aren’t any others. Make sense?
Thank you Becky for getting back to me. I’m just now able to get back to looking at VBS for our church…. Are the songs paired up with a certain day/lesson? We do want to have a music rotation in our schedule. And, is sign language provided with each of these songs for Route 254? The more I look in to Route 254 the more I like it, but we definately want music as part of our rotations.
Thanks again!
Paula – there are motions for each of the four Route 254 songs.