Recycling VBS 2009 Decorations
While at Lifeway Kids Conference, I stuck my head into the room where the VBS 2010 classes were taught to see the decorations. Turns out the teacher of the class, Mark Jones (from the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma), had taken some VBS 2009 decorations and recycled them to work with VBS 2010! My favorite was the way he turned the Railway Station from Boomerang Express into Blazing Star Stables for Saddle Ridge Ranch! Here’s a picture of that and some more decorations from the class:
Anybody else got some ideas about recycling your VBS 2009 decorations?
My name is Amy Vice! My church is going to have Saddle Ridge Ranch as the theme this year! I was wondering if you had more pictures or some ideas you could E-mail me on this? Thanks, Amy Vice
Hey Amy – you should check out our VBS community – https://
There are pictures, videos, forums, etc on the site where people around the country share ideas about Vacation Bible School. I’ll be adding pictures and videos to that site and to our facebook page as well.
I just returned from VBS 2010 conference in Dallas, Ft Worth, TX….AWESOME!!!! You guys were really prepared! Got questions….Ask Lifeway!
I couldnt agree with you more!!