Questions from real kids . . .
We get a lot of questions about how our VBS themes are developed. Each year, it’s amazing to see how God works –
He has a way of herding us in the right direction as we pray about His plan for VBS each year. As VBS 2010 was in development, we asked a group of kids (we actually went to a CentriKid camp) a few questions about things they like and things they think are important. One question focused on things they would like to ask God. God spoke to us through those questions. The five daily session titles came from questions kids really asked. When you think about it, they are questions we often ponder at any age. Thankfully, God tells us in His Word that if any of us lack wisdom we should ask God!
The questions that make up the biblical content for Saddle Ridge Ranch for VBS 2010 are:
Who Am I?
Does God Care About Me?
What Is God’s Plan for Me?
How Can I Be Like Jesus?
What Do I Do Now?
I just voted in “When do you start planning for VBS?” I voted that as soon as this years is over but I really start when I get the next years announcement. Our VBS will be July 12 – 17. So I really start before I finish up with this year and that get everyone excited about VBS now for next year. My husband and I get really excited because we both do state training and he usually teaches Club VBS. We love VBS!
Thanks for sharing this insight, it give me real confidence in the curriculum to see how LifeWay is responsive to the ministry needs of children. Great work.
(the link to “Saddle Ridge Ranch” in this post is broken)
Thanks Tony! I fixed the link. Will be sending you the interview info soon.
Those of us who work with CentriKid Camps are glad to partner with VBS in kids ministry!