So glad we all know!!! Can’t wait to get tell the ladies at Bible study tonight. I will be visiting the VBS community often to share ideas. YEEEEEE HAAAAAW!!!!
We were hoping for a theme that the decorations would be completely different. It seems that the ranch and outback can be decorated so similar. I am anxious to see the twist that Lifeway does for this theme. Maybe 2011 can be something with lots of really bright, fun colors.
I was really hoping for something very different like a space theme. Your secondary theme last year was the Cowboy theme (which our church used because the “beach theme” seemed overdone ). Plus we used a Road Trip theme about 4 or 5 years ago which my 10 and 11 year olds still remember. I feel like there was such a lack of creativity for next year.
I hate to say it, but it looks like Lifeway is playing it safe for 2010. Not only is the theme obvious and overdone, but the Bible stories are used quite a lot in most children’s curriculum.
I like the cowboy theme. Outback was hard to decorate. This will be easy and we can have lots of decor cause many things can be thought of. My question is, Can we have better blow-up devices this year? We had 3 kangaroo and everyone of them couldn’t stay up long enough for the VBS night.
I agree about the kangaroo. They are quite expensive and ours
didn’t stay up either. We had to blow it up about 3 times a night.
We finally gave up. I did however love the bible stories this time.
Looking forward to 2010 ranch theme.
Hola!!! Es una gran Bendición tener la ayuda tan completa que nos proveen para preparar la Escuelita Biblica Infantil de Verano, solo me gustaria que los recursos en español fuesen mas completos, me parecen muy hermosos y de gran utilidad.
Le pido a mi Buen Dios que les siga ayudando en esta hermosa labor, los niños de mi Iglesia estan muy motivados con lo hermoso del Bumeran y los maestros con la forma tan clara para poder compartir con nuestros niños, La gran Salvación que hay en Jesús y la paz de saber que siempre está con nosotros y por eso podemos “SEGUIRLO SIEMPRE”.
Gracias!!! por las fotos que los hermanos publican, nos dan unas ideas para enriquecer la escenografia.
Nuestro Dios nos ayude a todos a servir con amor, excelencia y prontitud a nuestros niños, sin escatimar nada.
Cokesbury’s VBS 2010 called “Galactic Blast” is a cosmic adventure praising God. They even have a green gorilla as their mascot for this curriculum. They will be focusing on caring for God’s environment. The music is out of this world!
Take a serious look at this VBS:
I like this idea! It’s easy because the props from Boomerang Express can be reused and modified (just a little). Don’t be so hard on Lifeway…I’m sure they’re doing their best. I’m also pretty sure Lifeway already did a space theme…if I’m not mistaken VBS (1995- 1997 around that time) it was called StarQuest.
Sorry Lifeway. I like the theme idea of Saddle Ridge Ranch, but for the past several years our church has not used the Lifeway cirriculum because we weren’t satisfied with lesson content. Especially for kids that have been in church for a while, and even for those who haven’t, the stories are ones that they have heard many times. I like the overall lesson questions, but I wish you would use scripture accounts that would be new and would help to expand the Bible to the children.
I am so stoked for this this year!!! This is my first year teaching VBS and I am so excited that it is a western theme!!!! I am so excited, I have had ideas running through my head about what I want to do to decorate since I heard about it, which is bad because I am a college student and I have exams and classes that I should be thinking about, but I am too excited about VBS this year!!!
I’m really disappointed in this year’s themes. We are a small church and need to spend our money wisely. These themes are completely overdone and rather uninspired. Surely with all our resources and people we can come up with something better and more exciting for the kids. We will be using the space theme this year.
i think we have done themes very simular 2this one in the past years .i just wish we could do somthing diffrent and extrodinary somthing the kids wont expect.
I found the issue with Powerpoint is just a MS problem or How to change the music setting for imported song during songs.
There is a text file saying it’s a MS powerpoint problem not the VBS problem.
When you edit the powerpoint you right click on the sound Icon on the first or second slide and change custom animmations>(or add your own via insert>sound file) then click the sound file on the right pane under animations>Edit effects options>Stop playing check the tick for how many slides to play and double it for the number of slides. >Enter
The issue seems to be MS or if there is a setting to change not how many slides until stopping music but to state at which slide to stop at!
so you enter 50 for 25 slides and if you mess up while showing slides and go back and forth at all you see PP counts each slide change not each consecutive slide only!
don’t select Loop or the music won’t stop!
They need to add this info to their Themes to benefit everyone from now on. I wish some programmer would fix it or help churches with a good program to use the vbs videos.
So glad we all know!!! Can’t wait to get tell the ladies at Bible study tonight. I will be visiting the VBS community often to share ideas. YEEEEEE HAAAAAW!!!!
honest opinion. i dont like these and much as gameday and outrigger
We were hoping for a theme that the decorations would be completely different. It seems that the ranch and outback can be decorated so similar. I am anxious to see the twist that Lifeway does for this theme. Maybe 2011 can be something with lots of really bright, fun colors.
I’m really looking forward to this but was wanting a space theme!
We haven’t had one of those in awhile.
I was really hoping for something very different like a space theme. Your secondary theme last year was the Cowboy theme (which our church used because the “beach theme” seemed overdone ). Plus we used a Road Trip theme about 4 or 5 years ago which my 10 and 11 year olds still remember. I feel like there was such a lack of creativity for next year.
I hate to say it, but it looks like Lifeway is playing it safe for 2010. Not only is the theme obvious and overdone, but the Bible stories are used quite a lot in most children’s curriculum.
I like the cowboy theme. Outback was hard to decorate. This will be easy and we can have lots of decor cause many things can be thought of. My question is, Can we have better blow-up devices this year? We had 3 kangaroo and everyone of them couldn’t stay up long enough for the VBS night.
I agree about the kangaroo. They are quite expensive and ours
didn’t stay up either. We had to blow it up about 3 times a night.
We finally gave up. I did however love the bible stories this time.
Looking forward to 2010 ranch theme.
Hola!!! Es una gran Bendición tener la ayuda tan completa que nos proveen para preparar la Escuelita Biblica Infantil de Verano, solo me gustaria que los recursos en español fuesen mas completos, me parecen muy hermosos y de gran utilidad.
Le pido a mi Buen Dios que les siga ayudando en esta hermosa labor, los niños de mi Iglesia estan muy motivados con lo hermoso del Bumeran y los maestros con la forma tan clara para poder compartir con nuestros niños, La gran Salvación que hay en Jesús y la paz de saber que siempre está con nosotros y por eso podemos “SEGUIRLO SIEMPRE”.
Gracias!!! por las fotos que los hermanos publican, nos dan unas ideas para enriquecer la escenografia.
Nuestro Dios nos ayude a todos a servir con amor, excelencia y prontitud a nuestros niños, sin escatimar nada.
I don’t know if this is allowed, but here is a website with a space themed VBS…
Cokesbury’s VBS 2010 called “Galactic Blast” is a cosmic adventure praising God. They even have a green gorilla as their mascot for this curriculum. They will be focusing on caring for God’s environment. The music is out of this world!
Take a serious look at this VBS:
Cokesbury and Lifeway should have gotten together and published a VBS called, “Space Cowboys”
I like this idea! It’s easy because the props from Boomerang Express can be reused and modified (just a little). Don’t be so hard on Lifeway…I’m sure they’re doing their best. I’m also pretty sure Lifeway already did a space theme…if I’m not mistaken VBS (1995- 1997 around that time) it was called StarQuest.
Sorry Lifeway. I like the theme idea of Saddle Ridge Ranch, but for the past several years our church has not used the Lifeway cirriculum because we weren’t satisfied with lesson content. Especially for kids that have been in church for a while, and even for those who haven’t, the stories are ones that they have heard many times. I like the overall lesson questions, but I wish you would use scripture accounts that would be new and would help to expand the Bible to the children.
I am so stoked for this this year!!! This is my first year teaching VBS and I am so excited that it is a western theme!!!! I am so excited, I have had ideas running through my head about what I want to do to decorate since I heard about it, which is bad because I am a college student and I have exams and classes that I should be thinking about, but I am too excited about VBS this year!!!
I’m really disappointed in this year’s themes. We are a small church and need to spend our money wisely. These themes are completely overdone and rather uninspired. Surely with all our resources and people we can come up with something better and more exciting for the kids. We will be using the space theme this year.
i think we have done themes very simular 2this one in the past years .i just wish we could do somthing diffrent and extrodinary somthing the kids wont expect.
I found the issue with Powerpoint is just a MS problem or How to change the music setting for imported song during songs.
There is a text file saying it’s a MS powerpoint problem not the VBS problem.
When you edit the powerpoint you right click on the sound Icon on the first or second slide and change custom animmations>(or add your own via insert>sound file) then click the sound file on the right pane under animations>Edit effects options>Stop playing check the tick for how many slides to play and double it for the number of slides. >Enter
The issue seems to be MS or if there is a setting to change not how many slides until stopping music but to state at which slide to stop at!
so you enter 50 for 25 slides and if you mess up while showing slides and go back and forth at all you see PP counts each slide change not each consecutive slide only!
don’t select Loop or the music won’t stop!
They need to add this info to their Themes to benefit everyone from now on. I wish some programmer would fix it or help churches with a good program to use the vbs videos.