VBS 2010 Recording Session
I have some pics from the recording session that was done for the VBS 2010 music. . . they recorded way back on St. Patrick’s day, but I thought that was way too early to tease you guys with VBS 2010 stuff. 🙂
Just so you know, the official theme release date is June 22nd, but if I were you, I’d start checking for some clues to the 2010 theme even beginning next week . . .
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! I can’t wait till June 22!!!!!!!! But I guess I will just have to.
You guys are doing an awesome job and I can’t wait every year to get started on the following year! This year is the best! ( I say that every year!) Keep up the good work and most importantly being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. You can just see Jesus all over your material every year. G-day mate and have a great VBS this summer!
Really looking forward to finding out!
I can’t wait either!!! I am amazed every year and just when I think how could it be better….I am in awe!! But, that is just how AWESOME OUR LORD is!!! He continues to show His favor and blessings!!
Thanks Lifeway and staff for allowing and being obedient unto the leading of the Holy Spirit and His leadership!!
It is definitely a blessing for my life and I know many, many others!!
Can’t wait for theme to be announced. We are finishing up this year’s VBS and I’m ready to get started on next’s year! I’m ready for some hints!!!!!!!! Thanks Lifeway for another great theme!
Can’t wait to see the clues – hopefully info about Club VBS as well????
It has to be good…..look at the expressions on their
faces as they record!!!!
I heard through the grapevine(facebook) that Jeff was headed to Africa. Could there possibly be an African Safari Theme somewhere?????
I hope one day you have “Operation Great Physician” with an Operating Room theme with Doctors & Nurses! That would be cool!
Loved Boomerang Express – we just finished up a wonderful, inspiring week of VBS! Can’t wait to find out next year’s theme – would love to do another Western theme soon… Yee-Ha!
TOOOO Exciting!!! “Like Jesus” lyrics look awesome!! Jeff, you’ve done it again with ’08 songs…our adult choir is singing ‘Because’ this Sunday for dedication/promotion:)
We just completed VBS. Had an AWESOME week in the Lord. Everyone loved the theme, music, daily lessons. Can’t say enough good about it. We had the largest number we’ve every had attend. Theme for next year no doubt will be even better. It always is! Can’t wait till June 22.
We just finished VBS Boomerang Express. Every year I say “This is the best year”! The children responded so well to the theme and lessons that we want to “EXTEND” the theme and lessons to our after school Bible Club we have every Wednesday during the school year. About 50 children attend. Any ideas?
I zooomed in on one of the picures and found that the title of the song on the paper as “04 Like Jesus” then under that “Day4- VBS 2010
I saw the song like Jesus…but the other sheet music in the second to the last picture (in the woman’s lap, and in front of Jeff and the other gentleman) is hard to read.
yeeeeehaaaw!!!!! Saddle Ridge Ranch. Super Cute!!! You must call the learners “little doggies” , so we can tell them to “get along”. Hardy Har Har!!!! Can’t wait to get the Super Sampler in December.
i love the boomerang express, they didi a good job , and i hope that next year they do more classes in spanish. God bless you all for all the work you all do.
So, okay, this was recorded St. Patrick’s Day?
Wow, I found this music today listening to Adventures in Oddessy. They play music during the break and today they played “Team Player” and I tracked it down and found that this was VBS music!!! I wished I had this as a child. Is this music available in CD form? What is the story of the production of this music? Has it been the same girls every year? I would buy a DVD of behind the scenes of the production. I love the sound of the girls voices. I’d heard one or two of these songs in the car before and never had the opportunity to track them down. I really like the more worshipful pieces. Have you ever considered releasing a worship album. I’d buy it. By the I’m 46 and still love this music. Keep up the good work.