Funny, funny, funny
I laughed out loud at this post on Stuff Christians Like about getting tricked into volunteering for VBS!! Hopefully, you are well on your way to getting all of your volunteers lined up for VBS! If not, you may want to lay off on the glitter before you approach your potential helpers 🙂
The best solution I have ever seen for getting VBS volunteers has been done the past 2 years by our pastor. Way back in early April he personally told about how VBS is such a wonderful approach to outreach and the anticipated outcome: salvations. Then he had the ushers pass out sign-up cards (Or were they in our bulletins?) We then took a few minutes to fill them out. They were left on the pews for pickup at the end of the service. That 5 minutes or so taken early on has reaped a harvest of willing helpers, some of whom may not have participated if they waited to be asked through ‘normal’ channels.
Yeah – someone else has discovered Jon Acuff & SCL! He definitely has his finger on the pulse of church life. I frequently have to explain my laughter to either my husband of my officemates, depending on where I’m reading his blog. I’m proud to report that glitter will not be a problem on our church campus for this VBS, just colored sand….lots and lots of colored sand!