56 Tips for VBS Prayer Support
- Ask the senior adults who are not teaching to pray.
- Take 5 minutes before VBS starts and have a prayer circle together for the teachers.
- We assign a prayer team months before VBS. They pray way before and after the event. They even pray for next year’s VBS.
- Give prayer calendars to the congregation.
- Put a child’s name on a wristband and distribute to members. They pray for that child before, during and after VBS.
- Assign each Sunday School class in our church to a specific area of VBS to pray for.
- Purchase the rubber bracelets from Lifeway and write the committed workers name on inside with a marker. Distribute at the end of a service. Ask to pray for that person. On the last day, have the person tell the person they’ve been praying for them each day for one month.
- Use magnets to reminder church members to pray for VBS.
- Be sure to share out loud your needs for VBS. Have a VBS prayer team leader.
- Text messages to prayer chain.
- Place name on theme appropriate clip art so church members will pray for them.
- Distribute small prayer reminders, such as boomerangs, etc.
- Ask the older ladies of the church that are no longer able to assist or attend VBS to pray for specific things before, during and after VBS.
- Provide a list of all VBS workers a few weeks in advance. Lead a prayer walk through VBS rooms with the Wednesday night prayer group. These groups are usually filled with senior adult prayer warriors.
- Provide prayer partners for teachers as soon as a teacher is assigned.
- Enlist a prayer chairman to lead the prayer support team.
- Invite your prayer club or group to pray for each day of VBS.
- Have prayer teams that either pray at home during VBS or some and pray over each room before VBS starts, usually the day before.
- Enlist nursing home and shut-in members as prayer warriors. Send them regular updates.
- Do a prayer walk on Sunday evening before VBS begins. We invite all members to come. Them we close with a covered dish dinner.
- Give the prayer team specific requests.
- Provide VBS bookmarks with prayer needs.
- Assign a prayer partner with a specific registered child.
- Produce prayer pennants and hang them in the church. (i.e. – Kelly is praying for Jack.)
- Encourage GA leader to take GA girls to prayer walk all the rooms used in VBS.
- Request the WMU ladies prayer walk the rooms.
- Have a “Prayer –A-Roo”. Use the inflatable kangaroo and have the congregation sign the “Roo” as a commitment to pray for VBS.
- Send an e-mail devotion each day to encourage workers.
- Provide a prayer box for daily VBS prayer requests.
- Have prayer buddies. Give an adult a name on one child and pray for everyday. Place on a “fish” with a magnet on they can put it on their Bible.
- Have a 24-hour all-church prayer vigil a week or two before VBS.
- Have the pastor challenge the congregation to pray and then pass our commitment cards.
- Put our teacher’s names and needs, etc. in our prayer room.
- Place the VBS Prayer Guide from the Administrative Guide in each Sunday School room a few weeks prior to VBS.
- We collected everyone’s wristwatch in offering plate at the start of the service. Volunteers placed a small dot on certain time on the watch face. Everyday, at that time, the watch owner prays for VBS.
- The day we decorate, we set up a prayer schedule. People in our church come and pray for all of VBS. We begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. Someone is praying for 15 minutes at a time for VBS.
- Our prayer walk team meets early and often. They pray for EVERY area of the facility: buses, bathrooms, etc. are prayed in and over.
- A couple of Sundays before VBS, place a basket in the church foyer with the names of individual children printed on a piece of paper that are laminated and with a magnet on the back. Church members are asked to place the magnets on their refrigerator to remind them to pray for that one child every day.
- Use facebook invitation for others to join in prayer support.
- This year, our prayer walk will be called the “Walk-a-bout”, and done by our WMU.
- Place a reminder note in the church bulletin asking members to pray daily for VBS children and workers.
- During the National Day of Prayer, place the name of each person on a them related cut-out and pass our during the morning service for prayer warriors to pray for that individual.
- After a Sunday service, distribute boomerangs with the words: “Pray for VBS!”
- On your prayer lists, don’t forget to include: volunteer recruitment, safety and health of the children and the workers, a speedy and safe set-up, successful follow-up with prospects, youth and new volunteers.
- Invite your prayer warriors to your VBS meetings.
- Had members come to church at midnight the night before VBS started pray.
- Post the names of the teachers and children that will be in that Sunday School room for VBS for those class members to pray for.
- Make a prayer countdown calendar with specific things to pray for.
- Beginning in February, we start a prayer chain throughout the church using a themed item that the family keeps for a week. Every time they see the item – car, table, etc. they pray for VBS. The following Sunday, they pass the item to another family. The chain continues until VBS is over.
- Meet 20 minutes early before Wednesday night prayer service for four weeks leading in to pray: Week 1 – Workers; Week 2 – Parents; Week 3 – Students; and, Week 4 – Church/Community.
- Have prayer boxes set around the church and have a few prayer walkers to pray for requests in that box for that week.
- Provide prayer packets to prayer warriors that include: prayer calendar, lists of workers, specific needs, dates, etc.
- Include prayer bookmarks in the church bulletin that remind people to pray.
- We get 100 + people to pray for VBS daily for 30 prior to VBS date, during VBS and one week afterwards as we follow-up. Each is given a prayer guide and a reminder to pray daily.
- Early February we have a VBS kick-off and give out a bookmark to each church member. On the back of the bookmark is the name of every child, every VBS leader, class, rotation, or anything pertaining to VBS. The congregation takes their bookmark and prays not only for VBS as a whole, but for that specific item or person on the back.
- Pray for the sound system and air conditioning to work.
My name is k.Chandrasekhar from Hyderabad I have 12laks debts i have no peace of mind please pray for me i have two children please pray for my family for deliverance from debits .thanks for prayer support
Our church held an old fashioned cottage prayer meeting at our pastor’s home last week just for VBS!