49 tips on VBS Communication
- All kids and workers receive a card for attending VBS written by adults who attend adult VBS.
- Workers receive a thank you note each night from director.
- Utilize e-mail – it’s inexpensive and reliable. Also, use a phone line/tree.
- All teachers carry a cell phone so they can call the director if they have a problem or need something.
- Start a scrapbook or photo journal of VBS. Tape theme, photos and of all the teachers and children in the book. Add their names and share it with next year’s VBS to get everyone excited.
- Utilize meetings with follow-up e-mails.
- People are better then signs for directions. Use “greeter” to help parents and children get to the appropriate location.
- Communicate with other churches in area in order to share supplies and decorations.
- Use walkie-talkies for directors and staff.
- Have a phone-tree where all VBS workers can get the same messages and pass along prayer requests to all members.
- Send letters two weeks before VBS to all leaders. Also have several meetings.
- Partner with other churches for vinyl billboard size banner leaving dates changeable with vinyl lettering.
- Provide nightly newsletters to all workers.
- Print a worker booklet with all VBS information.
- E-mail devotions to VBS workers daily during week of VBS.
- Utilize a facebook group page.
- Have lunch for workers – a great time to talk and fellowship.
- 6-8 weeks before VBS starts, VBS ministry team does a skit during worship service (always funny, but with the theme). Then, 2-3 weeks later, follow-up with skit and then the Sunday before, we do a final skit.
- Have a “meeting by letter”. Include all the information they need to know so everyone is on the same page.
- Use headsets to communicate between departments and directors.
- Specify the volunteer’s best means of communication: e-mail, text, phone. Have a central place where all can go for information, such as a website.
- Use daily folders to communicate to all leaders. In the folders, the volunteers can send notes to director at the end of the day.
- Utilize circulars, direct mail and Prayer Walks.
- A week before VBS, we hand out a packet in our worship service with addresses and door hangers about VBS. They are placed on doors in an area surrounding our church. It is a Spanish area and we have reached several children.
- Start early!
- Recruit a young co-director and work together. Divide responsibilities.
- Use “kangaroos” in yards to “Hop on over to VBS”.
- Take one entire Sunday morning service to emphasize VBS. The band dresses in the theme and plays songs that go along, Skit is about theme. Sermon goes along with the theme. Then, we have sign-ups after church for workers.
- When enlisting workers, enlist with the up front knowledge that they will be encouraged to assist with follow-up.
- Set and explain “rules” for behavior (attitude) for staff meetings, first item at the first meeting. Make sure to put a positive spin on it. Use humor.
- Use last year’s registration forms to send out invitations/postcards for this year’s VBS.
- Use local Bible bookstore(s) (other denominations that may not have a VBS) to distribute flyers or handouts.
- Utilize billboard signage in high volume areas – for free.
- Provide newsletters each morning for every worker. Include reminders about procedures, updates on enrollment, etc. No longer use bullets for information, but put information in boxes and use clipart for better readability.
- Utilize two-way radios (from ushers) for constant communication, limit wasted time in tracking someone down and help transitions move more smoothly.
- Sponsor a program in schools.
- Utilize texting and facebook.
- Have announcement time at the end of joint worship. Also, send Lifeway’s preprinted newsletter to each teacher at the end of VBS with the day’s information.
- On the daily newsletter, feature a different class and different leaders. Include photos. Newsletters can be given out at the closing celebration each night.
- Get a person who is active in another field to do your communications. Cross train your volunteers.
- Make a large VBS sign with information on it. Only to change date of VBS. This is a large yard/street sign made of wood and nicely painted.
- Take photo of child and family member on family night. Then have the photo made into a postcard and mail to the child as follow-up.
- Schedule monthly meetings starting in January. Buy boxes and sort all supplies, pencils, materials, certificates, etc. that the teacher needs and pass that out in January. At leaders meeting, do a minute preview of each day. At the January meeting, do a sample lesson from the Bible study, music, recreation and snack. Then in February, do lesson 2, etc. Encourage the teachers to study a lesson each month.
- Maintain a punch list after each leaders meeting to keep everyone accountable to their responsibilities in a timely manner.
- Stay in contact with key people so as to be able to answer crucial questions.
- Utilize daily video, photos, VBS website, VBS blog.
- Use a company that distributes flyers for us.
- Provide local newspapers with articles.
- Use clipboards for daily communication. The VBS office clerk arrives early each day to place current roll, any take home letters, schedule, encouragement notes, etc. Include the student nametags on clipboards, too. Each person collects their board and away they go!
Try Calling Post…it is a very inexpensive phone tree software. My hubbie uses it for coaching & I use it for VBS…wonderful time saver!!!