34 tips on VBS snacks
- Ask local restaurants for ice.
- Write a formal request letter to secure donations for snacks.
- Look into becoming a summer lunch program site during VBS.
- Provide dinner every evening before VBS for the workers. Have members volunteer to bring dishes.
- Serve snacks outside for less clean-up.
- Offer a separate hospitality room for adults workers.
- Offer a “hang out” room with snacks for youth volunteers.
- Offer alternative snacks to children with allergies and/or medical conditions.
- Serve general snacks that church members can donate.
- Sno-cones are inexpensive and kids love them. Put the ice in a cup, not a cone.
- Save the “pretty” snacks for training and/or Family Night.
- Provide ice pops. Inexpensive and cold on a hot summer day.
- Provide a sign-up supper for the staff every night for VBS.
- Have an “adopt a day” for Sunday School classes to provide snacks.
- Sometimes local pizza restaurants will provide free or discounted pizza for children on the last day or for teacher’s appreciation.
- Find out each worker’s favorite soft drink or beverage and have it for them at snack time each night.
- Ask for grocery store gift cards to purchase the snacks we need that are not provided through donations.
- Provide a quick dinner for leaders and their children before VBS begins each evening. It helps with the timing.
- Make a donation display to request snacks.
- Offer a meal for the non-church members who drop off their children and wait for them. Great ministry opportunity for fellowship and Adult VBS.
- Conduct a “Pastor Cookie Competition” by listing each Pastor’s favorite cookies. For 3 months, members bring in cookies and during VBS week we count the types of cookies. Whichever Pastor wins the competition, gets a pie in his face at the VBS rally! We have cookies for VBS and children’s event for the entire year.
- Advertise in church bulletins for the non-perishables needed for VBS week. Purchase the perishables.
- Ask church members to purchase restaurant gift cards.
- Get donations from local restaurants.
- Serve snacks that you know the kids will eat.
- Sponsor a “Snack Sunday” for VBS where members bring in donations.
- Purchase in bulk.
- Sponsor a “Staff Favorite Snack Contest”. Staff members have a “favorite snack” and the church members bring those items. The winning staffer gets a special prize at family night.
- Enrollment records help determine the amount of snacks to purchase.
- Use in-season local fruits. Sometimes we get the local farmers to donate.
- We have all day camp with VBS and have a kitchen team to help with meals.
- Purchase a sno-cone machine. It will pay for itself in the money you save buying other snacks.
- Provide daily attendance count to snack team before rotations start.
- Buy in bulk and re-bag for each child’s portion.
Serve a quick lite dinner 30 minutes before VBS for kids, leaders, volunteers and staff. Parents appreciate it and no snack time needed or add a small snack on the go as they rotate.