Experienced VBS directors share their secrets!
This year at our VBS Preview Events at Ridgecrest, Glorieta, and Nashville, a training conference was conducted for experienced VBS directors and general leadership called “Experienced Directors – Been There, Done That – Now What?”
These experienced directors worked together to compile a list of tips and tricks to help all VBS directors in 16 specific areas:
Curriculum Supplies
Attracting Non-Church Members
Supply Management
Off-Site Opportunities
Supply Acquisition
Cost Cutters
Member Involvement
Scheduling and Rotations
Traffic Control
Food and Beverage
Prayer Support
For the next 8 days, I’ll be posting the tips from a couple of these topics each day, plus give you a chance to add your own tips and tricks in the comments section.
I’m so excited to read this!!
I just e-mailed Kathy Schunk about this very topic–she said she submitted 27 pages to LW!
I have my first training for the association this week (I’m leading the Directors conference). I will point them to this blog!!